2023 Board Of Directors


President of Predator Masters
Staff member
I am very excited to announce that we have completed our new Board Of Directors (BOD). The BOD voted to expand our board to 7 members.

The new BOD:

President: Mo (SnowmanMo)
Secretary/Treasurer: Troy (Desert Ram)
Director of Forums and website: Stu (Stu Farish)
Director At Large: Mark (reb8600)
Director At Large: James (Skinney)
Director At Large: Dave (DAA)

We are currently working out the details of the 7th seat. Once those details are ironed out we will announce the 7th seat.

I want to let you know that things are changing. I want to assure ALL our members that while we are moving to take actions that will ensure the future of PM that we have not and will not forget where we have come from and what got us here, we will always have an eye on the past, present and future.

The lifebloid of PM is it's members. You all should feel you have a voice so I encourage you to reach out to your BOD as well ad your Moderators to let your vouces be heard. I assure you that your opinions matter and will be taken into consideration.

I am very excited about what the future might bring as we strive to fulfill Will Craig's vision.

Thank you,
