New member
Thanks a ton for the response, I appreciate it!@Thundercat710
First, like I told my brother-in-law, when I got him hooked on guns, "welcome to the illness."
Second, I used to try to dissuade people from "building" (like when I was a kid and "built" a Lego castle) their own AR's, but I now think I was wrong in doing that. If you have the budget for several oopsies, then go for it. The more you get your hands and mind around the components, the more you learn to appreciate guns and I think that's good for a newbie.
Third, as far as your components, it sounds like you are going in the correct direction. The LaRue MBT-2s is, just in my opinion, one of the finest 2-stage AR triggers available. I mean, it is just disgustingly good. I've had good luck with BA barrels and they are reasonably priced. My only suggestion on your barrel is to go with a 1:7 twist if you want to launch the heavier .223 projectiles. With the $ you are saving on the Vortex, pick up some Vortex rings, which are handy because they put the torque specs on the side of the rings, or look into an ADM QD mount.
Fourth, as far as predators in your neck of the woods, there is a solid lion population over there. I'd start with coyotes because you will likely have a higher success rate and, like anything else, the more you win, the more you will like something. However, if you are using any kind of distress/prey call in lion country, pick up a lion tag before you go. Why? Because it's a great insurance policy. You just might call in a lion and I'd hate to see you be stuck with the shoot/no shoot choice and risk being charged with unlawful hunting of big game. I'm not saying anyone who pops a lion without a tag should be prosecuted; I am saying it is a very likely possibility.
Finally, I won't say what I do for a living, but it relates to point four, above. When you are out in the woods, don't just know the hunting rules and regulations. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS, which include (and I can't tell you how many clients ignored this advice) exercising your right to remain silent.
Best wishes and, once again, welcome to the illness.
I went to the local rifle store this afternoon and picked up everything except the barrel and handguard. I'm actually under the budget I was thinking I'd be at by this point, which is awesome.
Aero Upper and lower, saa bcg, the LaRue trigger with a lighter spring swap out, a carbine buffer kit, and magpul stock and grip. They're all put together, pretty straightforward honestly. I did almost send that first takedown spring but got my hand over it just in time, then I decided to be not dumb and used a flathead to hold it in place while i pushed the pin on lol. The back spring hole is threaded with a 4-40 screw which made that one a cinch.
Now I'm really agonizing over what length and brand of barrel I should go with. If you can talk me into 18 or 20 or whatever then I'm all ears

I think it would be incredible to get a mountain lion, absolutely. Just yesterday I found out my neighbor with the vortex scope does a good bit of coyote, I asked him about mountain lions and he said "mostly luck unless you have dogs".