Back in Stock!!!!!!!!!!


Retired PM Staff
Here is my new line up of Rubber calls. I have been working on a rubber howler for almost 2 years now and I finally have it done and ready to sell.
The compound in these new calls is very soft you can squeeze it off no problem. They all have superb sound. There are a total of 5 calls and you can really manipulate the sound on all of them. They are not the best looking call on the block. But if you want pure sound these calls have it!! This new line up has hard boards and a very soft rubber body..

All prices are delivered

The howler is $15.95
Ruthless distress $15.95
Extreme distress $15.95
Small killer cottontail. This call is going to be awesome on cats. $15.95
Closed reed distress. I can voice it however you wish. $15.95

Or the whole set for $44.95 delivered, that's under $8.99 per call

Here are the calls..

The Howler!!

The Ruthless!!

The Extreme!!

The Killer Cottontail!!

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The rubber on these are real soft like Kerry said. The howler out of the rubber sounds amazing and is extremely loud (my wife is still cussing me for blowing it in the house).
I like the idea of the hard board and soft rubber barrels.

I'll take the whole set. Please email me and let me know how to make payment.


I just have to tell everyone Ive been to Kerry's shop and got to check these calls out first hand and they ROCK!!!!!!!!!!
everyone should have a set of these
Bout time Kerry
! LOL They all look good, but I'm lookin' at that howler and Extreme. LOVE that Extreme board! Great prices too!

Originally Posted By: Swim BaitDoes that mean you get free ones? Well shoot, hook your brother Swimmer up
! LMAO hahaha

Swimmer, click that buy in now button and you will be hooked up
I just receive the whole set today. These sound great and I really like the very flexible bodies on these calls. I'm that after playing with these a bit more one or two of them will find their way into my chest rig that I carry my favorite calls in..

Jeremiah Weber
Fellows, I got one of the rubber howlers from Kerry, and it is super good and easy to work with. Being able to easily squeeze the barrel in and manipulate the sound is a true advantage. I would say the other calls work well for the same reason. Kudos to a great guy for making great calls.
man, that would really cut down on the clank clank you get when you walk in with a lanyard full of calls too! Great idea!