Board of Director's announcement


President of Predator Masters
Staff member
As you may have heard, two of our long standing board members, Jeff Mock and Redfrog, stepped down from their positions on the Board Of Directors (BOD).

I am pleased to announce to all of our members the appointment of Stu Farish and Troy (Desert Ram) as the 2 replacement board members. We asked for nominees from the moderators and after much consideration we made the choices of Stu and Troy.

As of today we have 3 Directors as is required by our By Laws.

I have moved into the position of President, Troy will be taking over as Secretary/Treasurer and Stu is a Director At Large currently.

As a board we have decided to expand the board and are currently deciding how many seats our new board will have and what responsibilities the directors will have.

We have also begun discussions around the direction of Predator Masters moving forward.

First off, I can assure all of you that Predator Masters is not turning off the lights any time soon. Financially, we can continue operations at our current income and expense levels for 2 years. Just because we can continue operating as is, doesn't mean that we are going to. We are discussing many options as to the direction of PM moving forward. Items in discussion include: Size of the board, policies, the current state of the forum and modernization, the things that PM can/should be involved with.

We are always willing to listen, so if you have an idea, please feel free to pm me, Stu, Troy or any of your moderators and have your voice heard. This is OUR community and you are the biggest part of it.

Thank you and we look forward to making many more exciting announcements soon.