if i were in a stand and you pointed your 12ga at me, the arrow would not be going to the dog, it would be going to you. pointing a gun at someone is a felony in most places, and a good way to start a deadly confrontation.
pretty sure that here in colorado it is illegal to hunt with dogs for small game while there is an active big game season going on in that area.
if you have dogs that are trained to chase coyotes off of your property, that is an entirely different scenario, however, if they continue the chase AFTER they enter someone elses property or public lands then the table is turned. chasing deer even on private land is a death sentence here. there have been plenty of times where i have seen a dog chasing a deer, but i am too far away, or do not have a rifle. the next time i see that dog i will shoot it. but the way some of you talk, i would have to wait until i saw the dog actually take a bite out of the deer, at that point it is too late, how many deer has the dog taken down by the time i see it happen?
it appears that there is some difference in opinion based on where people live, those of you back east seem to be more willing to let dogs get away with whatever you want, while people who live in the west seem to be more of the opinion that a dog doesn't get several chances.
it is really amazing to me that after all these years of dogs getting shot for running at large, chasing livestock, chasing wildlife, killing wildlife, that there is no end to the number of people that let their dogs do it. and then when the dog gets killed, they swear that it was the first time the dog had ever done it.
a few years back in El Jebel Colorado, a story was in the paper where one dog was missing and the other one came home with 13 or so 22 bullet wounds. there was an immense public outcry, even a march to the courthouse. the owners swore up and down that someone must have targeted their dog, that the dogs were always confined. there was a reward put up to catch the shooter. after a week or so of the hoopla, the truth came out. there had been numerous complaints about the dogs chasing and KILLING swans that a nearby rancher owned. he had finally had enough and shot both the dogs, but only one made it home. the issue disappeared from the papers instantly.