help new reloaders


New member
i have notice there seems to be a lot of new guys that have started reloading.i think we should let these guys know a few things to keep them are a few things that i have come up with. 1. always wear eye protection. 2.for you guys that are loading thier on pills right now during the cold months beware with some powders these loads are fine during the winter and cold months but during the hot months they can blow up in your face.i have seen this happen at our local gun range.thank the lord nobody got hurt.i mean there was chunks of the gun missing that could not be found.if you are pushing max loads during the winter do not shoot these during the some more loads up and pay close attention to the pressure self if i am using powders that are not extream powders (BL-C2) i try to find a load in the middle so i can use it year round.even at that you will not believe how these loads can change during the summer months.i work up most of my loads during the cold months because it dosent take long for barrell to cool.i am sure there will be a lot added to this but this is a good of my fav sayings.a young man that rolls his own bullets wont be rolling nothing else.i have raised 3 boys and one nephew that proves this right.
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A lot of new reloaders tend to ignore the advice in the reloading books, you see their posts on various message boards where they have just started loading and went right to the maximum loads listed in the reloading books.

Reloading books list their loads in different ways, some only give the maximum loads and advise to start at 10% lower, and some others list a starting load and a max load, if there is a starting load, use it!

If there is only one load listed, start at 10% LESS, and as mentioned, don't go to max loads in cold weather, it might cause a problem when the weather gets hot.

One of the major things, get a good reloading book and read it!

Here's a good one and it's a new edition, so it's up to date:
One piece of advice that I think is very important when reloading is to stay focused on the task at hand and not get distracted by the kids, pets, wife, TV, etc.

You need your reloading bench in a place where you can get away from it all so you can keep your attention directed on what you are doing so as not to double charge a case or try to prime a case that's already primed and so on.

Reloading is fun and rewarding but it can be dangerous if you don't pay attention!
this is good stuff lets keep it going.i changed the title so maybe it will get more input.there is a lot of guys that can add to this one.
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Safety is everything.Velocity isn`t.

Besides....working up loads in small increments is good practice.Uniformity is a must.

Starting loads with just small increments in overall length with firefomed,neck sized brass has proven pretty effective,and easy on the rifle...... and bullet.
I like it!

I'm a new reloader and I am trying to learn everything I can to get started. Please keep it coming, I'm going to print this out and put it in my reloading books.

Interested in any mistakes you may have made when getting started. Hopefully I can learn from them and not make them myself.
You guys put in some good stuff. I was going to say what Wingman26 said. Get a good reloading book and read it! not just the loads, but all of it! the steps ,the safety, and how to recognise excessive pressure. A book I reccomend is the ABC's of reloading. Outlines everything you need, and dont need and how to safely use it to get started.

I would aslo add... Be careful of someones "Favorite " loads you get online. Every rifle likes something different. Thats why manuals have a Min. and a Max. load. Stay whithin these lines, they are there for a reason. Also know that too low of a charge can be as dangerous as too hot of a load.

We only get 1 dominant eye!
Here's a good link for someone who is just getting started into reloading. Back before the days of the internet, I sent into RCBS and they mailed me out a copy of the Step-By-Step Reloading Guide. It helped me out immensely as I was on my own back then. Here is a link to it online at RCBS's website.....

RCBS Step-By-Step Reloading Guide

You can click on the box in the middle of the page to print it out or just view it step by step by clicking on the links in the left hand column.
I second the caution regarding "favorite" loads. When I first started I tended to want to test the max loads in the manual. I usually find better accuracy from loads that are dialed down slightly.
Your right Sam! Alot of times people sacrafice a little accuracy for a little more speed. The max load isnt always the most accurate. A coyote getting hit with my .17Rem doesnt know the difference between 3700fps or 4000fps.

Some loads Ive been offered online are well above or below anything I've ever found posted. The lower, or reduced loads are usualy found when searching for that "fur friendly" load. Especialy with something as fast as a .17Rem Ive looked for a fur friendly load for fox. Ive been given some down right dangerous loads. This is advice you are getting from complete strangers who may or may not know anything about reloading, and may not care about your safety.
The loads listed in a manual may not be safe in your rifle. Depending on lots of things but mostly weather your chamber is larger or smaller than average, max loads may be seriously overpressure. That's why you always have to work up loads.

Can you give me some examples of extreme powders. I know what I need to know to be a safe reloader but I'm no expert on powders and do like to load close to the max load to get a little extra speed for a moving shot if it's needed. What powders are on the safe side and what are hotter burning??? This is something I've always wanted answered but thought this would be a good post to do it. I do understand there are many many powders out there but some examples would be good to open some people's eyes to this important part of reloading.
hodgdons line of extreme powders are not suppose to be effected as much with temp estremes . Remember. As your barrel
heats up depending on how long the new round sits in the chamber it can also get hot.
The advice on getting a manual is very good. I think when you get done reading the first one you buy, you need to buy a second one. I use five different ones just to cross reference with. You will notice different minimum and max load numbers in the manuals. Also use the internet for reading material ... such as the link below. I printed out some of their pages to keep on my reloading wall for quick reference ... such as cartridge length (max and trim to)... they also have a conversion chart that I have found useful.

Good shooting ... be safe ...
One thing i learned the hard way was that a load which performs well in YOUR rifle, may just be much too hot in another rifle of the same caliber, make and model. So I repeat what others here are saying...WORK UP EACH LOAD!
I shot some reloads my buddy was using in his rifle in mine and separated the case. I was young and foolish then, and was very lucky also. Don't research reloading after all else fails, do the research and studying FIRST.
The one piece of advice I would give would relate to loading for others, be very cautios of this. I had guys coming up to me when they found out I reloaded and saying, "Hey, can I try your load in my rifle, your's shoots well?" NEVER give someone a pet load of your's to try in their gun. Remember, you worked up your load in your gun, where you watched for signs of pressure as you worked it up. I will help family and a few close friends work up a load ONLY if I am there to start low, and inspect the reloads for pressure signs while we shoot and test their rifle together. I would NOT do this if you are just starting out, some folks never do. There are alot of people I WILL NOT do this for, I am very particular about doing this.

The other thing that I think is of the utmost importance is to keep ONE powder and ONE powder only on the bench, the ONE you are working with. DO NOT be afraid to ask for help here, I have exploited the knowledge of the fine folks here for a long time now, they have saved me time, energy, money, and have always kept me pointed in the SAFE direction, Rich.
Get lots of advice, but don't trust it. Test everything yourself (with each rifle you load for) starting on the low/safe side and work your way up.