Originally Posted By: IcedteaI think its great that Foxpro has continued to advance the technology in callers. However, I think my old worthless, old technology CS24 sounds good to my old abused ears.
That opens the door to just how good the sounds are reproduced in the callers. They might sound good to your ears, which are not well-designed to decern and analyze sound. I know a predator can hear sounds that we can not. For the sake of argument, lets say there is noise like a white noise or a very high pitch squeal in the sound we are playing, the predator can hear and we can't.
Just something to think about when you consider buying a cheap no name caller.
I'll offer this example. I have a yellow lab, my duck hunting partner. We can be moving up to the blind, someone in the blind is calling ducks, my dog doesn't respond at all. When we are in the blind and a duck lands in the decoys, nothing, if that duck quacks one time, my dog comes to alert. Who knows how a dog's mind works.
you ever heard a johnny stewart cassette tape that has been played and rewound several 100 times. they get to where they sound like crap. but they'll still call coyotes one right after another.
imo sound quality is highly over rated. all this 24 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit stuff really dont mean squat in the long run. an old worn out js 512 cassette caller will still call in predators as good as anything out there.
i sure don't want to go back to lugging one of those around and rewinding tapes though.