Setting up for Coyote pictures


New member
I have a critter cam that I would like to setup just to attract varmints, coyotes or foxes. I have no problem getting deer picture but I would like to target varmints. Does anyone have any good ideas that I could use as bait for coyote set?
IF LEGAL, I would find a road killed deer and move it to your property. Put it out in an "out of the way" area and set up your camera. Around here a dead deer wont last a week till the coyotes and other scavengers have it cleaned up.
I did that one time about 2 yrs ago. The one thing you want to do if there are coyotes in your area, you should drive a steel rod down thru the rib/chest area right at the start. If you look just to the right of the ribs you can see a straight rod. That was my rod holding the deer down. It lasted a long time cause they couldn't drag it least til they got it down that far and it came out of the ribs when they moved it that far. Otherwise thye will drag it away from your camera view and you will have wasted your time and work. The place I put it was not loaded with coyotes. I was lucky to see this one. Good luck. Road killed deer are not legal to use in Pa. (stupid law) but I found this one in the woods bloated not far from where I drug him for my camera so I guess I was legal.



I'm going to try some of that Predator Pile(gut pile in a bag), I could see it working good with calling and with traping. It could be a good change up lure anyway!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif
It's a good time of year to keep the trailcams in use. I use mine a lot and have some thoughts:

1. If you use a deer, do what another poster mentioned about staking it down.
2. Coyotes are very leery of the white flash, but fox and everything else don't seem to be.
3. If you use chunks of meat, make sure they are small chunks, otherwise your bait will be picked up and removed quickly.
4. Think about how you place the bait and the camera - try to get broadside shots of the critters. If you have big chunks of bloody meat, put them down a stump or behind a log.
5. Begin with fresh batteries - the cold is heck on battery life.
6. As always, avoid pointing the cam where the sun is shining right in the lens, it will screw up some potentially good pics.
7. I picked up a sealed bag of that gutpile in a bag at the store and I swear I could smell it through the bag - I'll be surprised if it doesn't bring something in.
8. You'll get lots of birds unless you really hide it - I'm convinced crows can see through anything.
9. If you're hoping for coyotes, set your cam and leave it for a while to keep the scent down.

The first pic is an overlay of all the critters that came in to venison chunks on a wire, the second is a neat red-tailed hawk pic, the third pic was a pleasant surprise I got one day. Good luck.



Nice pics! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif
Erict- those are great shots!!! I had to really look close at the montage to pick up all the critters. When I first looked at the pic, I thought "Man, that porky's in trouble!"

The bald eagle looks MAD!!! LOL...
Erict gave you about all the tips you should need. He did a real good job of providing you with the information you needed. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif
I will add you want to approach it like trapping. Bait is good. Unlike Erict I have not had coyotes shy at a flash. I also have a set of photos of a fox who looked like he had no eyes. In the first couple of pictures you could see the bright eye reflection. After that his eyes were always squinted. I think he could hear the camera getting ready to take a picture and he would close his eyes, interesting shots.

Also to Erict did you do the multiple critter shot with layers? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bowingsmilie.gif
Thanks mbowerma - yes, I layered them in Adobe Photoshop. For those not familiar with it - it is like taking a stack of 35mm slides and piling them on top of each other. All the critters were in the exact place they are in the pic - deer mouse, flying squirrel, red squirrel, porcupine and fisher (twice). You may not believe it, but I even had a chipmunk dining on venison chunks not far from that place!

The eagle and red-tailed pic were taken over a dead deer put in the middle of a large open field. I had to attach my trailcam to a small photo tripod because there was nothing else. They were set low and on manual focus for 3m, so they didn't have to blown up much.

I did remember one more tip with cams in snow country - think about prevailing winds and if it will end up packing your lens or covering your IR detector.

Very nice Post,
I really like that saying,as it is very true..


• I am tired of talk that comes to nothing. It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and all the broken promises. There has been too much talking by men who had no right to talk.
• It does not require many words to speak the truth.
~ Chief Joseph: Nez Perce 1840-1904, Nez Percéé Indian chief
• Lose your temper and you lose a friend; lie and you lose yourself."