The changing face of Predator Masters.


As some of you may know Predator Masters has undergone some important changes recently. We are now incorporated as a non profit organization.

What started out as Will Craig’s vision, is now moving towards fruition. Many of the things that Will wanted have been accomplished, others are works in progress, that may never be “finished”. They may simply be an ongoing tribute to Will’s dream. Here are some of his plans.

" The dream of Predator Masters is bigger than just a message board, the board is just the tip of the iceberg. We would like Predator Masters to become the Ducks Unlimited of predator calling.

Predator calling is the fastest growing hunting sport in North America. If we don’t get organized to protect and promote the sport we love so much, we might not have it one these days. We need to organize and stand together to fight the anti-hunting movement at a State by State level.

The basic plan is as follows:

1. Develop message board using professionals that have the very best in communications skills and expertise.

2. Develop standard Rules of Conduct. (see Rules of the Game -thread)

3. Develop moderators to become active in managing their forums. The Administrator and the moderators would become the “operational managing team”.

4. Develop and approve a logo.

5. Develop a Board of Directors.

6. Develop and approve bylaws and a mission statement.

7. Develop membership levels to the point to attract predator calling related businesses, incorporate banner

8. Develop advertising funds to generate operational funds. Operational funds will first be used to over operational cost such as server fees and web site optimization Excess funds from advertising can be used to create Predator Masters collateral to generate additional operational funds. (See Advertising for PM - thread)

9. Surplus funds will be used to purchase Predator Masters hats, decals, stickers, etc., to be sold to members to increase operational funds. These funds will be used to support activities such as the regional scheduled hunts, seminars, public education programs etc.

10. An Annual Predator Masters Hunt/BBQ is vital to bring the membership together and Predator Masters must continue them throughout the future.

11. Develop a system where State Predator Master organizations are formed, who in turn will implement programs where they can . State, and local, Predator Masters clubs can further promote the sport of predator calling and support their local activities.

It is hoped that at least some advertisers will agree to offer Predator Masters members discounts on products and also donate items for contest prizes, raffles, awards, etc. In turn Predators Masters will offer a free product field testing service to Predator Masters advertisers. Therefore advertisers are actually Predator Masters members. This body of both predator callers and business that support the sport with products or services work together to promote and protect the sport of predator calling.

So there you have the basics of the dream. Many if not all of the items mentioned need to be done. The hard part is finding people that are truly willing to get involved and stay that way. Right now we need some one to help with attracting advertisers and accounting for the funds generated.

Predator Masters can be the weapon that protects the sport if we can get people to work together. Lots of work to be done but one or two people cannot do it alone, but working as a team it can happen....


Predator Masters is a group of dedicated predator callers that have joined forces to promote the sport of predator calling, wildlife conservation issues, and defending our hunting heritage.

Predator calling is one of the fastest growing hunting sports throughout North America. Yet up until now, predator callers haven't had an organization that is solely dedicated to promoting and protecting the sport that we enjoy today.

As a devoted hunter you're aware of the importance of protecting our sport against anti-hunting extremist that want to force their beliefs and way of life on every single hunter in North America. As a committed predator caller you're aware of the importance of callers communicating their needs and discoveries to calling equipment manufacturers to improve the sport of predator calling. Predator Masters is the first organization, and only organization of its kind where predator callers unite with sporting goods industry representatives for the common good of the sport.

Predator Masters would be proud to have you join forces with us. We have many great plans in store for our members, but our goals cannot be realized without your personal support. We've assembled some of the finest names in predator hunting across the United States to act as moderators in the forums. We have outfitters, outdoor writers and calling industry spokespersons. This is not your run of the mill rarely visited bulletin board on the Net. We have on average 2,500 visitors a day, Join in on the conversation! Please click the link above to enter the Predator Masters Bulletin Board.

Good calling to you...

Will Craig
Founder of Predator Masters "

As you can see many of these things have been done and are an everyday part of Predator Masters.

Some things will change because of the incorporation and some will remain the same.

The organization will now have a board of directors to oversee the direction of Predator Masters, but the day to day running of things will still be on the shoulders of the moderators.
All of these positions, directors and moderators alike are voluntary, with no one getting paid for their tireless work and dedication. Predator Masters is a labor of love, and without the commitment of these volunteers, we would not be the success we are today.

It has been said many times that Predator Masters is a “Family”. That family is made up of all of us, with a common bond. We love to hunt, it is our heritage. But even more than that, we love to “Hunt the Hunter”.

Like any family we have our differences, but more importantly we can pull together as a family in times of struggle. That has certainly been demonstrated in the last year or so.

The "Administration" part of the Predator Masters family had some difficult issues to deal with during this last year, but more importantly some of our members have had some life changing situations to deal with. We met these challenges through the help and support of the members, and as a team we have successfully dealt with them.

Most of you won’t notice the changes. Membership in Predator Masters will of course still be free, thanks to the generous support of members and sponsors alike.

We will still have the annual hunt at Globe Arizona. It will of course be better each year, and continue to provide an opportunity to “face to face” with the people you meet and greet all year online.

We have some projects in the planning stages that we hope will help to keep Predator Masters the largest and the best predator hunting organization on the planet.

Thank you all for your efforts and support.
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Well I think that would be great!!!

Predator Masters is an awesome site with great people!

I am always telling friends people about the site. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-006.gif
Thanks to everyone here for all the excellent information and advise!!!!! Cheers! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

You have a great plan and as a founder of grass roots pro-hunting/Legislative in my home State would like to see addition of State Forums to organize PM members to further promote the Sport /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif
You guys can sign me up...I'll help in Kansas as much as I can. I love the site, the mission, and why we do what we do. Keep up the good work, and let me know if you need anything. Thanks.
Predatormasters is by far totally an awsome predator site,like you said it is only an information board,we need to stick together,because you can be assured with all the treehuggers,our sport will be gone forever,even deer hunting,i will do anything here in New York,to do what we have to do to keep our passionate sport alive,if theres anything i can do here in new york ,just let me know.Oiler,Billy.
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif This website is the only light I see in a room that is otherwise full of smoke and mirrors. LOL /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
The vison is awesome! But don't leave me hangin'. What are the next steps we must take to make this vison a reality? Where do we start and when do we start it? Who would be my Utah contact?
You guys diserve props! This is BYFAR the best hunting site i have visited. The forum is the best thing about it! Keep It Up!!!
Let me know what you need and I will help as well!! I've not posted much because I have been up to my eye balls in info trying to learn and I too will help any way that I can.