6 song dogs down!


Marty and I were able to make it for a few days of calling saturday and sunday, with low winds and overcast skys it made for a real good day. here is the play by play.

1st stand - We head to one of our money spots for the 1st stand of the day, the ground was very wet with all the rain so we took the 4 wheeler up the prairie trail to the spot. We get set up and marty starts in on his hand call and immediately 3 coyotes top the ridge in front of us, the lead dog charged in while the 2 pale dogs sat back and watched the show. at 60 yards the lead dog bit the dust with a well placed head shot :p .

three stands later we set up on a fence line, With me on the calls this time, 5 minutes into my series of calls a hard charger comes from the left, with NO intentions of slowing down, a well placed running shot put him down no further than 50 yards from us
. real nice sized dog to!


We decided to head to a area further up the road and set up for one final stand of the day, we set up on a fenceline overlooking some rolling hills with thick brush mixed in. This is were things got a little western :lol: . five minutes into calling I look to my left and see marty moving his rifle, I then look in front of me and see a coyotes coming, right as im about to shoot him marty dumps the coyotes on his side, i quickly start ki-yi'ing but The coyotes is covering ground fast, marty whirls his rifle and pulls off a 220 yard running lung shot! it was quite the double to end the day
.. that put us at four coyotes for the day, and we didnt get started till 10:00 a.m. 8)



It was a good day to be out

Sunday -

Once again we get a little later start than usual, oh well. I decided to tote the foxpro to this stand and start out with some rabbit distress. We are overlooking a huge flat that just screams coyote. not 5 minutes in one is charging into the set. at 200 yards he stops and I tell myself I might as well dump him, and wouldnt you know it, I shoot right over his back :oops: .. beautiful dog to. :roll: . oh well, not his day I guess.

Next stand on the way in we bump a coyote out of some thick brush. I set the foxpro in a tree and we get settled in.5 minutes in I hear Marty shoot. and like usual I hear the loud WOP. I new he had one down. another coyote was coming hard my way when he shot but he decided to get out of there with the gunplay going on.


We decided to do one last stand before going bowhunting.

We set up in some thick brush and once again I set the foxpro up in a tree. six minutes in we both spot a hard charger coming up the draw, coming right my way. This time I decided to let him get nice and close before taking the shot. at 40 yards he looks my way and I gave him a 50 g. v max to the neck. dead right there. I quickly ki-yi and then switch to woodpecker distress. We then notice another coyote hanging uup at about 1000 yards. as We watch him I look to my right and see marty quickly adjusting his rifle to his right, there was a coyote 75 yards below us slowly leaving out. marty shoots and misses by inches.. almost another double


All in all it was a real fun two days of calling with six dogs down. hope to get out again soon. 8)

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Those are some awesome dogs and a great sucessful hunt. Wonderful work to the two of you. I love that country and it DOES scream coyote loudly!
Great story and pics, that is great looking country. Can't wait to be able to really get after it here in Az...
Look's like you all had a Great Hunt ! Them are some Fine Looking Coyote's, Nice Fur's "They'd sure nuff make some Nice Rendezvous Style Hat's ! Thank's for sharing the Hunt,
Thanks for all the comments guys.

yotecatslayer34 I am shooting a remington 700 sps tactical .223

I skinned all of these dogs and let me tell you, they were not lacking any fat on them, just ask my fleshing knife.

We used hands calls and the foxpro about 50/50. they each have there places on stands.!