animal book

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A theory is an ixea until it is proven. Then it becomes a fact. Hence, the theory of evolution is taught in order to give people another option instead of believing in God. You get to believe in Darwin I get to believe in God. 2 options for two totally different people. God isnt proven to you Darwin isnt proven to me.
Originally Posted By: sandy hicksYou get to believe in Darwin I get to believe in God. 2 options for two totally different people. God isnt proven to you Darwin isnt proven to me.

Yeah, you believe in talking snakes and a big boat.
We believe in scientific knowledge of the history of the earth.

If you had been in a position of religious authority 500 years ago our children would still be crippled every day by polio, because you would have been burning people at the stake who tried to advance medical discoveries.

And your very best argument is to attack and insult folks who disagree with you...

Originally Posted By: sandy hicksIt is a whole lot easier to think that they came from a slug. Some people are still at the slug stage but they masquerade as fully developed folks.

Originally Posted By: tnshootist
I think I may have to give it to my older grand daughter. She will get a kick out of it.

Yeah you need to keep the younger one in the scriptures for a while....

"Proverbs 22:6King James Version (KJV)

6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
The book I got from a sale at the library.
It's in new condition but forty years old.
Then they taught that whales lived on land but for some reason moved into the water where they lost limbs,their nostrils moved to the top of their head and they were close relations of the elephant.
Now they teach that they started out in the water and some moved to land. Their closest relative is now the hippo. Their nostrils still moved to the top of their head.

It's interesting that the theory has changed in the last forty years.For the evolutionist things change often. As one thing is found to not be true they just revise the theory.

I doubt evolutionist would hold true to the theory if it meant torture and death as have people of faith for thousands of years. But they don't have to. They just change the theory.

Good thing they are not stuck with a book that has not changed.

When I look around myself I see creation. Perfection.A perfect plan.
I see the separation of man from animals. Man is capable of mercy. Animals are not.

I find it interesting that those who find fault with the Bible quote from the Old and not from the teaching of Jesus.

Just like evolution theory they like to pick and chose.
The Bible will be unchanged as it has been and evolution theory will continue to change every few years as it falls apart and is revised and the reason will be given that they learn more.

In the end they will admit that everything is just to complicated to have happened by chance. .
Originally Posted By: sandy hicksA theory is an ixea until it is proven. Then it becomes a fact. Hence, the theory of evolution is taught in order to give people another option instead of believing in God. You get to believe in Darwin I get to believe in God. 2 options for two totally different people. God isnt proven to you Darwin isnt proven to me.

Ok. You can ponder the purpose for the human appendix and tail bone, or why we have wisdom teeth and body hair that serves no purpose. For me, there's a simple explanation that fits nicely with my explanation of how whales were once land animals
Originally Posted By: swampwalkerOriginally Posted By: sandy hicksA theory is an ixea until it is proven. Then it becomes a fact. Hence, the theory of evolution is taught in order to give people another option instead of believing in God. You get to believe in Darwin I get to believe in God. 2 options for two totally different people. God isnt proven to you Darwin isnt proven to me.

Ok. You can ponder the purpose for the human appendix and tail bone, or why we have wisdom teeth and body hair that serves no purpose. For me, there's a simple explanation that fits nicely with my explanation of how whales were once land animals

But the theory now says they started in the ocean. look it up.
Hard to stay current with ever changing theory.
Originally Posted By: sandy hicksIt is a whole lot easier to think that they came from a slug. Some people are still at the slug stage but they masquerade as fully developed folks.

So why don't you tell everybody here if you have enough cajones to admit that that comment was directed specifically toward me and my comments in this thread?

Google Black's Law Dictionary and see what an ad hominem attack means.
Originally Posted By: tnshootist
But the theory now says they started in the ocean. look it up.
Hard to stay current with ever changing theory.

Might be hard for you, but it sure isn't hard for a lot of us.
Scientific facts and theories change all the time.
Do you want a 14th century medicine man doing triple bypass on your child?
The theory of evolution doesn't now and never has specifically addressed the evolution of whales, but yes, it's generally excepted that the first genesis of all life occurred in the ocean. Hence the going back to it
Originally Posted By: swampwalkerThe theory of evolution doesn't now and never has specifically addressed the evolution of whales, but yes, it's generally excepted that the first genesis of all life occurred in the ocean. Hence the going back to it

I beg to differ.
It was addressed at least forty years ago and is part of the theory now per google.
I guess the facts are changing again.
Originally Posted By: tnshootist
I beg to differ.
It was addressed at least forty years ago and is part of the theory now per google.
I guess the facts are changing again.

The facts and the science are always changing.

Did you not read this, or did you read it and just not comprehend it?

Originally Posted By: fw707
Do you want a 14th century medicine man doing triple bypass on your child?

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I have a hard time with facts that change.

It would seem to me that if it changes it never was a fact.

But I can understand why your facts must be in constant flux.
As you say your facts change.

Then here I am stuck with many facts that have not changed in over two thousand years.
I have no doubt you can comprehend this fact.
Originally Posted By: tnshootist
Then here I am stuck with many facts that have not changed in over two thousand years.
I have no doubt you can comprehend this fact.

You have no facts.
You don't even have any evidence to support your wishful thinking.
Somebody told you a fairy tale years ago and you sucked it up part and parcel.

And now you throw out a silly post about a book for your little granddaughter just to bait other members into a confrontation.

Go back and read my signature line in case you missed it.
Originally Posted By: sandy hicksI dont recall naming anyone, but if you feel insulted, so be it.

Yeah, it's easy to anonymously insult somebody.
It makes you look like a really big man in front of the people who know what you meant when you didn't have the nerve to take the responsibility.

Well you would know bait when you see it.

When it comes down to it all you have is facts that change.
I would not want to live my life having to see if my facts I live by have changed overnight.

I can comprehend how that would be very unnerving

As always feel free to not reply to any and all posts you see from me.
I certainly do not wish to force anyone into a confrontation.

I think this thread has been very enlightening.
I am going to bed now and try to dream of whales with nostrils moving slowly up their head..
Originally Posted By: tnshootist
I certainly do not wish to force anyone into a confrontation.

You started this thread to provoke a confrontation.
Now you stick your fingers in your ears and run away screaming like a little girl when you didn't end up with the result you hoped for.
You and your buddy are like two peas in a pod
Scientific Facts, truths, laws are all supposed to be just that truths. The problem arises when we start to take theories as being facts and they are not. Theories are meant to be tested and when they have been reproduced again and again and proven to be accurate they become "facts, truths, and laws". Unfortunately we forget the evolutionary theory is still at the "theory" stage and hasn't been proven to become fact. Facts do not change. Theories and ideas do.
For me I thought the question of which came first male or female was not a silly question as someone passed it off as. If single cell organisms were the first living beings and everything came from them as the evolutionary theory proclaims then somehow the evolved into multicellular organisms. I find this interesting because most single cell organisms reproduce by cloning themselves and splitting into two in a process called fission. When an organism reproduces like this there are no
New genes just a copy of the parent organisms. So when lightning hit that organism and it caused a mutation so it had more than one cell working together some where along the lines there now is a switch from asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction. Now then for sexual reproduction to take place there needs to be a male and a female or all the advancement the organism made before hand die with it if it cannot find the opposite sex to reproduce.
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