August HOM Vote!!


Retired PM Staff
It is time for the August Hunt Of The Month story
We had a few more good stories in August. With fall getting here, I hope to see more. Take some time and write about your hunt. It could get you a nice prize. It does not have to be a predator hunt. Lets see some big game or bird stories.

A special thanks goes out to the sponsors and HOB's for the prizes they donate. If it was not for them, this may not be possible. Be sure to send them a thanks and support them when you need something. They are not required to do this.

First Place

This months winner is going to get a nice set of calls made by Larry Scarborough of LDS Custom Calls. Larry makes a great looking and a great sounding call. One is made of Eastern GA red cedar and the other is afzelia burl. The calls will come with a 6 call lanyard made by Guy Wildstorm.


Below are the links to the stories. Please take some time to read them. The members put some work into writing them. After you do place your vote for the one you think is the best. The voting will end on Friday Sept 7 at 6:00 pm EST.

1. Four Stands and Four Down by Arizona Bushman

2. The ALL NIGHTER and nuttin to show for it! by Dead Down Wind

3. Hunting, Family, and Success! by Ursus21

4. Can't give up - by SnowmanMo

5. Aug hunt - by Prkrgrp

6. Silencer for ND Prairie Dog Hunt on 8-20-2012 by Silverfox