I'm not sure what Beretta, model, grade or otherwise you are basing you opinion on, but I find it slightly amazing that you would take what you observe from handling one Beretta and apply it to the thousands, if not millions of shotguns produced by Beretta. The term "anecdotle evidence" seems appropriate here. What I, you, or anyone else here "thinks" or "believes" can hardly be equated to anything close to being empirical. But as the good book says, "By their fruits, ye shall know them," or somehting to that effect. Hmmmm....must be all those folks using Beretta and Benelli autos in skeet, trap, and sporting clays competition, am and pro, weren't accutely aware enough to catch the obvious design flaws that are so rampant in their scatterguns. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Don't get me wrong, living near the hometown of good ol' John M. and the present day company headquarters, I know Brownings all too well. And they are quality guns, from their rifles, to their pistols to their shotguns. I never once in any seriousness, (note the /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif s and /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif s, as well as the phrase "just kiddin' around.") meant to suggest Brownings were inferior. I just prefer my 391 to the Gold, which again, is also a good gun. Nothing wrong with that, is there? Again, inda like debating whether Fords are better than Chevys, the answer to which is invariably WHO CARES?!
Well, gotta run...just got one of them stickers of a "Calvin-esque" boy releaving himself on a "Buckmark." Gotta clear off a spot next to my Hooker Headers sticker, on the '75 unregistered, illegal deathmobile with the 18" lift. Whata sweet ride... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif But, speakin of releaving one's self and it's measurements, is the standard to measure from the...ahhh, never mind...