CA Predator Hunting Under Attack

We have all learned there is a time to listen and a time to speak. Well fellow hunters in California IT IS YOUR TURN !
The anti's are a pretty small group in reality but they are very organized & funded.

Your game commission has not left you very much time before their next move, August I believe. Take some time out of your very busy lives NOW and get organized fast. Someone step up and take the lead. You will have plenty of support.

Use the Internet , every forum you can access, have your wives Facebook contacts. Contact your sportsman clubs. Use the media to educate the public.

I just had a fellow worker tell me about 2 coyotes chase their cat into the house. He didn't know I am a predator hunter & to our surprise his neighborhood farmer had invited me out to coyote hunt because he thought they were being a problem. 3 weeks earlier I removed 2 of these coyotes and was able to show fellow employee I had helped remove the cat chasing coyotes. He does not hunt and was very grateful .

Good luck ! Use your FREEDOM OF SPEECH
Originally Posted By: GRIZZLYONEI've been involved with several the So Cal predator calling clubs for a very long time. They the anti hunting types also want to ban the taking of bobcat by any method. Issue 5 coyote tags per year per hunter. They also want to outlaw the use of electronic game calls. I made the guys at FoxPro aware of this thinking with 39 million people, Cal does have a fair amount of predator callers and a ban on electronic calls out here would do considerable damage to their bottom line. I was thinking it might be in Foxpro's interest to help us with this fight but they don't seem real concerned. I guess there's 49 other states. The good news is that the California rifle and pistol Assoc is making all of it's resources available to us and is taking on this fight. The bad news is this whole thing with project coyote going in front of the Cal F&G Commission is just blowing smoke so they can eventually propose legislation to get what they want. The libs/anti hunting types have a super majority with jerry brown up in Sacramento and they will claim that they tried to reason with the Commission first with no success so they have to push the legislation through. I guess I can do all my calling in Nevada if I have to. Grizz

That is how they finally got bans on public lands trapping in AZ.

They have failed at trapping bans at the Game Commission level in NM. They lost big time. They tried legislation that hasn't gained traction. But, like a disease, they will be back. Better organized than before.

Never give up the fight. Rally to the meetings. Send elected officials emails, make phone calls.

We can never quit fighting for what we believe in.
That is sort of the attitude I was referring too. Could hunters group together and fight, sure they could, but they won't. It is a pipe dream that will never happen in California. It didn't work for trapping or new gun legislation in Colorado either. We can't keep on keepin on with the same old "fight for our rights" speech as we continue to self-sabotage at the same time. Just because ya can legally do something doesn't always mean you should. All I was saying is posting pictures of wounded bloody animals and openly advertising kill contests is just bad for business. Its the same thing as harvesting a buck and then driving around town with it strapped to the hood of the truck. I can't say I agree with everything the SFW does in Utah, but at least they are an organization that has voice who employs lobbyist to promote or fight legislation. Although other various game federations or even call makers might quietly support kill contests, they aren't going to openly support it. Even though they are advocates for the reduction in predator numbers. They certainly understand it would bring to much scrutiny on themselves. Nobody and I mean nobody is going to openly support kill contests or distasteful media that promotes a perceived slaughter/torture of coyotes. I doubt livestock orgs would even want their names attached. What is truly sad is not only do we buy the rope, but we hang ourselves with it too.

We can still do what we do, just use a little common sense while doing it.

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We are definetly up against it here in Cali.

A crappy Fish and Wildlife, that begs for help in the form of money and volunteers etc., but always cave in to the anti crowd, and back the closing of land, locking gates, closing areas for no reason etc. A crooked government, full of hypocrits that rip us off at every turn, and are as hardcore of a criminal as any gangbanger out there. Not to mention that there is no common sense left in the residents of this state.

Most hunters are to the point here, that they have to decide if they want to give their money to California to hunt, or go to another state that appreciates it, and probably has better hunting anyways. Although it seems like an easy decision, there is the feeling that you are abandoning the cause. But then you remember that hunters here have been betrayed, and we are sick of it.

We are also sick of people from other states posting on forums, in caps, to STAND UP AND FIGHT! Yeah, no $hit, we get it. We have been at it for years in this state, trust me.

Contest hunting....Im not against it, but it sure dont help us. Although appeasement never works, I do think it puts forth a bad image and could be managed better.

Most average peoples image of hunting is a father and son walking a field, shotguns in hand, shooting a couple pheasants, or maybe even a deer hanging in camp. What they are bombarded with now are guys that have AR'S and tactical gear attached to every orfice of their body, guys that are wanna be snipers, and yes, 60 coyotes laid out in a neat row after a hunting contest. All thanks to cable tv and the internet. Im not sticking up for any anti, but you have to realize what the "average", on the fence type person, is seeing.

I write all the time. Haven't had time to write on this subject. I am expecting coyote seasons, banning night hunting, and soon no more rabbit hunting with my beagle. HSUS is in control now. No science, no sportsmen, no logic, just emotion. Hopefully ranchers speak up with some dollars because they have an interest in controlling predator population.

Its so sad. CA is an amazing state to hunt with long seasons and generous bag limits. Since the lead ban zone its been all down hill. Now all lead is banned and soon even fishing will be illegal. I kind of like reno NV myself. Enjoy CA without living there! Be a while till they ban hunting in NV but i'm sure that will happen too.
Well, keep up the fight fellas. It really comes back to that old proverb. How do you eat an elephant? One little piece at a time. I have never entered a predator hunting contest in my life but I believe those that want to should be able to. I also am foresighted enough to know this is just an attack on one spoke of the wheel. We must protect our freedoms at every turn.