Controversial Cornwall Coyote Hunt Contest

Clarkson, class of 05. I miss that place, never got to hunt the area as my family owns land in the finger lake area. It's interesting at least on the NY side of the boarder that you seem to find only the extremes of views. You find the turely upidy or wanna be upidy hippie anti's in what is truely a blue collar, farmer, working class type of area. And then there's the typical blue collar kinda people. No real middle of the road. From what I remember from my days it was from those peoples that had migrated north from the Boston/Rhode Island areas. (no knock to any members from those areas, you are obviously not one of those people). Anyway, it always amazes me the small minded details the anti's focus on. I am proud to be (newly) associated with people that are confident enough to stand up for our hobby/passion/lifestyle. It seems too often hunters/gun owners/etc shy away from standing up for what we believe in when our beliefs are dragged through the mud. So thank you to those that posted 'for us' and did so without sinking to the lowly level of the antis.

Just a quick update to the Cornwall Coyote Hunt Contest, there were 121 coyotes harvested by contest participants.

Thank you to everyone who left pro-hunting comments on the last article. I encourage you to add your two cents to this last article. The antis are already talking about how to derail future contests.

