Coyote at 10 ft. Video


Active member
It's a little rough at first but it gets good at the 1:45 mark and again at the 3:00 mark where Poot goes to work.

Yeah, Poot is 17 months old and has decoyed approximately 25 coyotes. A couple of them have gotten a hold of her but no injuries.
Yammit son!!!! That is VERY AWESOME! If you dont like that, you dont like hunting coyotes and prolly vote for Obummer! Great stuff Scott!
That was very entertaining. Boy, sure seems you can draw 'em out into places you'd never think possible when using dogs. Its interesting to me the dichotomy between the domestic decoy dogs and the yote. We see the yote as a wild animal. I think they see it as just another canine. And a canine that's fun to bleep with at that lol.