Coyote Fishing

As a long time died in the wool Salmon fisherman I thought their method was sort of funny, fishing for coyotes.

They are not the smartest turds in the toilet to say the least. I can and do see the ramifications of this "fishing for coyotes" when it is read by anyone that may be an anti hunter or by those that don't or haven't an opinion about hunting Or in this case calling it hunting. not good PR for hunters.

They got what they deserved.

No animal deserves cruel treatment in my book.
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You guys that think it wouldn't have worked are just flat out wrong... one of my friends, to my shame, talked about doing exactly that same thing back in the 80s. Said it worked incredibly well, and that a coyote on a Penn reel could really make the drag scream.

I was never for it, and still am not. But it works; that is why the guys were out there...