Cruz Disapoints

I never liked him, every time he spoke you could tell he had his own gospel written in his head. This defeat must have been painful for him.
Looks like Trumps label for Cruz came true; "LYIN TED"!
He did sign the pledge saying he would endorse the eventual nominee, but didn't!

He may still endorse Trump, realizing it may be in his best interest, it's not too late! We'll see.
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I couldn't support him because of his support for the trans-pacific partnership (TPP) and he also voted to give rag head the fast track authority (TPA).

No American would ever support such blatantly destructive policies of globalism to our sovereignty, this republic, and the American people. Ever since I became aware of his voting record I've always viewed him as somewhat of a wolf in sheeps clothing. There are way too many who are far worse, but his support for that sealed the deal for me.
Did you see his face when the booing started? Beet red shame. But wow did Newt knock it out of the park in his speech when he said " Just want to clarify what Cruz said in case you misunderstood, Ted said vote your conscience by supporting the candidate who will support the Constitution. And since Donald is the only candidate who will support the Constitution, Ted is actually supporting Trump." Raucous laughter and applause ensued. Cruz sunk his chances for furthering his political career. Good riddance.
I will stand up for Cruz on this one.

Point 1. Trump said in March that he would not uphold the pledge to back the nominee because he had been treated unfairly. Cruz and Kasich were also alluding to not sticking with it. Who was whiny and afraid of being a sore loser then?

Point 2. I seem to remember Cruz only voting for TPA after McConnell screwed everything up and it was apparent it would not be stopped. That or it was the vote that included the Export/Import bank and McConnell lied about letting it expire.

Point 3. Everyone knew Cruz wasn't going to endorse. Trump and all his surrogates knew 3 days in advance. Isn't it plausible that all the press lead up and all the pressure was put on purposely to humiliate Cruz? Do you think it was coincidence that Trump walked in and interrupted the last part of the speech, right when everyone figured out there would be no endorsement? Trump is playing to the mob on a lot of this, and I don't think some are seeing through the bs. Cruz knew he would be berated, and he stuck by his principles instead of bowing to the party. Family before party. I don't have a problem with that. He will still be fighting the establishment and Democrats in the Senate, and still be trying to turn the Republican party more conservative.

Point 4. I wouldn't have had much of a problem with Cruz endorsing Trump, or not endorsing him, but articulating their similarities or differences and explaining why would have been a better approach. It's obvious to anyone with ears that Cruz would never vote for Hillary, or any other liberal. He just doesn't want to endorse someone who has called him a liar for months, insulted his wife, and started a lie that his dad conspired with Oswald. BS tactics to take focus off of issues with no supporting evidence for the lies.

Point 5. Is it that big of a deal that Cruz didn't endorse Trump? They have some big differences. If the media had not played the question all day prior, would anyone care? I will vote for Trump, but that doesn't mean I would endorse or support his campaign. Should I leave the party? Does that mean I am in the same boat as McCain, Romney or Bush? Many Trump supporters claimed to be never Cruz, now they are pissed that some may be never Trump, or that some may vote Trump, but not jump on his bandwagon and wave the company flag. Why won't Trump apologize for spreading lies, why won't he reach out to other conservatives who don't like the fact that he is buddied up with a ton of old establishment Republicans. Why doesn't he do something to unite the party? Leads me to point 6.

Point 6. Trump is not as much an outsider as he wants us all to believe. His campaign manager worked for Ford against Reagan. He has old Dole staffers in his campaign. Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee act like his biggest fans. Come on, these people are not conservatives. Just because he claims to be an outsider, and Bush and McCain and Romney aren't around doesn't mean he isn't tied to the establishment. And he is going to need the conservative base behind him this fall, but instead of trying to reassure the millions who voted for Cruz, or Walker, he ridicules the other candidates because they lost. I hope he wins, and I will vote for him, but he is not doing his part to unite the party behind him.

I ask you, would you endorse your biggest rival after months of being called a liar, family being insulted? Those used to be attacks worthy of a real fight, and unthinkable unless you wanted one. Now it's just politics? Some of us want better.
If I had said I would then I would have to be true to my word regardless of the circumstances. A man's word should stand for the man himself. To me, integrity is very's everything.
I agree wholeheartedly with you on Hillary. No one in their right mind thinks Cruz was insinuating that someone should vote for her over Trump or a garbage bag for that matter.

What I don't understand is why this of all things condemns Cruz to [beeep]. Plenty of other candidates are not endorsing, and not receiving flak. It is not a requirement that you endorse the nominee in your convention speech. Trump most likely wouldn't have endorsed half the field. Would it be different if Cruz didn't endorse a Christie, or Jeb? What if Trump came in second and didn't endorse Jeb or Cruz? I have a hard time believing he would face the same punishment Cruz is.

I am still a Cruz fan, I do think he could have done better, probably should've swallowed some pride and actually said vote Trump over Hillary. I am not, however going to crucify the man for not upholding a pledge to a guy that said himself he wouldn't uphold it.
I don't see a problem with what he did. He has not given hilarious one more vote due to his speech. If someone talked about my father and wife that way he would have heard way worse. That being said I am voting for trump and will continue to push for a trump vote from anyone I can. I don't love the guy but I think a trump presidency would bring a much needed dose of conservativism to a nation that desperately needs it. To call a guy like me part of the problem seems a bit harsh.
I agree. This is one of my biggest problems with Trump and some of his supporters. Calling me the problem. At the same time claiming all along that they would not vote for anyone else. One on this board even said if Trump was not the nominee,he would not vote, purposely taking the chance of letting Hillary win just to prove a point.

If Cruz not endorsing causes Trump to lose, then why hasn't Trump been a gracious winner? Why hasn't he done anything to reassure conservatives that he will not be another puppet for the establishment. There is a double standard here. It's ok to break the pledge if you're Trump and treated unfairly, it's ok to have friends in the establishment if you're Trump, it's ok to be with Bernie on many issues if you're Trump, it's ok to be friends with Putin if you're Trump.

I am as fed up with the Rhinos and Democrats as anyone. I see everyday at work and home the damage they are doing, and it started before I was born. I see the regulations holding back the economy, the bureaucracy hindering our freedom, the PC rhetoric and the media skewing everything to the left. But I can see them doing it for Trump also, and that ticks me off.
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Originally Posted By: CountryWildcatI agree. This is one of my biggest problems with Trump and some of his supporters. Calling me the problem. At the same time claiming all along that they would not vote for anyone else. One on this board even said if Trump was not the nominee,he would not vote, purposely taking the chance of letting Hillary win just to prove a point.

If Cruz not endorsing causes Trump to lose, then why hasn't Trump been a gracious winner? Why hasn't he done anything to reassure conservatives that he will not be another puppet for the establishment. There is a double standard here. It's ok to break the pledge if you're Trump and treated unfairly, it's ok to have friends in the establishment if you're Trump, it's ok to be with Bernie on many issues if you're Trump, it's ok to be friends with Putin if you're Trump.

I am as fed up with the Rhinos and Democrats as anyone. I see everyday at work and home the damage they are doing, and it started before I was born. I see the regulations holding back the economy, the bureaucracy hindering our freedom, the PC rhetoric and the media skewing everything to the left. But I can see them doing it for Trump also, and that ticks me off.

It's too bad you can't see the damage being done by failing to enforce regulations, it's way too obvious that many large corporations in many industries will not do the right thing if left unregulated.

2007/08 was the clearest message anyone could ever have that allowing the financial industry have a free pass to do things how they want does not work. Limited reforms were passed and congress has refused to enforce and fund oversight. It's full steam ahead for wallstreet and americans are going to be paying for it when the next "adjustment" hits.

Quite frankly "the people" are better off with four more years of the same. The same stock market stability, the same economic indicators as judged against where we were at when the black muslim took office such as jobs up, foreclosures down, $1.3 TRILLION deficit down to 2/3rds of that (would be almost balanced if congress had acted on recommended actions on waste and fraud)....