February HOM Vote


Retired PM Staff
It is time for the February Hunt Of The Month vote
We had quite a few great stories last month. Lets keep the stories coming. Take some time and write about your hunt, include pictures and details. It could get you a nice prize each month or a real nice prize at the end of the year. It does not have to be a predator hunt and does not have to be a successful hunt either. After all, it is about the experience and time outdoors.

A special thanks goes out to the sponsors and HOB's for the prizes they donate. If it was not for them, this may not be possible. Be sure to send them a thanks and support them when you need something. They are not required to do this. If you are a sponsor or HOB and would like to help out, contact Reb8600.

First Place

This months winner is going to get very nice call set from Rick Robbins, Bearmanric of http://www.rrcalls.com/. one is a coaxer and the other an open reed made of stabilized Maple, he did an outstanding job on this. Rick makes a very nice call and has helped with the HOM a lot. I would like to thank him for what he does. Also a very nice coyote drag made by Guywildstorm.

Below are the links to the stories. Please take some time to read them. The members put some time and effort into writing them. After you do, place your vote for the one you think is the best. The voting will end on Friday March 21 at 5:00 pm MST.

1. The stand that almost wasn't by HaleYes

2. Yellowhammer's 2014 Hunt stories by YellowHammer

3. my favorite hunting buddy did some draggin!! by Borkon

4. Fursniper's 2014 PM Hunt Stories by Fursniper

5. The story of the "Ghost Dog" : Wolf Hunt by Overwatcher

6. Chronicles of the 2014 Predator Masters Hunt and Convention by DesertRam

7. My first trip to Nebraska, a buddy's first yote! by Kollincoyote

8. I've been holding out on you guys ! by Tim Neitzke

9. Goat Killers by Whitey21

10. A few NM coyotes down by 12Ring
Originally Posted By: BearWhy is it we can no longer see the vote count after we vote anymore??
You will be able to see it after the vote is over. I am doing this everytime now to help keep things fair.
Originally Posted By: reb8600Originally Posted By: BearWhy is it we can no longer see the vote count after we vote anymore??
You will be able to see it after the vote is over. I am doing this everytime now to help keep things fair.

But now when it is not done fairly we can't see it.

When the votes came in steady for 5 days and then we saw someone get 22 of the last 24 votes in a day we knew what was going on.