Found this guy, any suggestions on creative names.


New member

I'm thinking I might go with clay, but if anyone else can come up with some creative names lets hear them. For anyone that is curious, the pigeon is tagged and I found the owner and he asked if I would like to keep him. So being a sucker I said yes. His wing is banged up along with his leg so he isn't getting around so good right now. He was in the middle of a gravel road so I think he got hit by a car. So if anyone has any ideas I might change it from clay the pigeon
Either his head got a little beat up, or, he is a 'tumbler'. We had them as kids and the 'tumblers' always had a D.A. looking neck. They would fly along and then roll over backwards in flight and keep going. Clay sounds good.
Ever seen a tumbler pigeon tumble to much and hit the ground??

Anyways i would name it clay... then go clay pigeon shooting.
nah idk i hunt pigeons so i wouldnt adopt it i would probably put it out of its misery and then use it as a cheap dog trainer.
The guy said he is a cross breed. It think he might be part tumbler part English trumpeter. The feathers on his feet were a good 5" long but he cut them down so he could get around better with the hurt leg.
Shoot where to begin. how about tuffs, since he toughed it out and survived. how bout crypton, he's indestructable, how bout buddy tuffs, since he's your buddy and he is tough.
I'll show this to my 9 yr old daughter and see what she comes up with. Thomas