January moon calling reports 2012

Got a call from a neighbor JUST as we were heading out to try some calling around 8pm. She said the coyotes where just howling and yipping at her chickens. So, being the nice neighbor......

We set up about 8:30, 3/4 mile north of her place. Road to our back/north with a south wind. Put a decoy and caller toward the only snow on the north south field near a west side fence line. Woods are to the south.

My friend with his new Alpha Dogg howled off and on for about 30 minutes. Finally two show themselves and are trotting around about 200-250 yards out. One finally stops and I hear him shoot. We call a bit more nothing shows. While looking for blood, we hear one challenging about 200 yards past the field edge. We go back and set up and challenge back, this time set up right on that west fence line.
About 15 minutes later, he tries some distress. I thought I saw something in the dirt 150 yards out so started scanning with scope. Finally picked it up, got some snow behind it to be sure it was a coyote, and got him – a 40lb male with really nice color!

Good luck everyone, hope you can find a little patch of snow to call them into!