Hi Wicoyote,
The Difference in the Distance is:
140 NightHuinter puts out 250,000 Candle watt power, has a range of 350+ yards..w/o red lens 150 + yards with Red lens
(Knowing what it is)
170 NightHunter puts out 400,000 Candle watt power,Has a range of 500+ yards w/o red lens, 250+ yards with red lens (Knowing what it is)
Same battery,Same size bulb,Same Burn Time.........2 1/2 hours Full-on, 6-7 Hours(with Pactice) Using the BPS (Battery Power Saver)included in the NightHunter Packs.................
The Best Night Hunting (scope Light) you can buy..........
If you ever wanted to up-grade from a LightForce, you can't becuase you all-ready Own the best there is..........Not a Boast, Just a Fact.........