Nm Draw results?? Anybody get lucky?


Anybody else get lucky in the Nm draw? I got lucky and pulled an archery deer and elk tag early September in a unit close to home. I think archery elk hunting is one of the only hunts that I enjoy and like more than coyotes. Anybody else think the same?
It has been many years since I have had any luck in the draw here in NM. I still have the heart to want to go but I’m slowing down. Calling coyotes fills that void of not drawing. Best of luck on your hunts.
Never hunted elk. Coyotes with a bow are fun, missed a few already hopefully this year I can get out more.

This year I got lucky and only missed the draw application deadline by a week, usually I remember sometimes in Aug. Well hopefully an OTC tag later.
All red for me - nothing. I do get to hunt with family though. Wife and oldest daughter will hunt pronghorn in August, I'll ride along with my dad on his trophy oryx hunt in September, I will take my youngest daughter on a cow elk hunt in October, and then round out the year by hunting cow elk with my oldest daughter and son in November. After that I'll get serious about calling again.

I haven't archery hunted for deer and elk since I had kids (time restrictions), but I sure enjoyed it back when I did.
AWS you are missing out and I highly highly recommend putting in for the archery hunts. Something about bugling bulls in the woods in September, it definitely has me hooked.

Heck ya Ernie! State side or on the range?

Seems like a busy fall for desert ram. I know once my pride grows up I won’t be doing any hunting myself and will just be chasing them around the state trying to fill their tags. I already have a 6.5 prc built and ready for the girls.

Matt ya some tags can be hard to draw, especially the rifle tags. That’s why I put in for archery, a lot easier to get tags, gotta do it while I’m still young and fit.
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Whereabouts? On or off range? I've been all over with lots of other hunters, so if you need some input, just reach out.
It’s off range. Month of March. Yea I will take all the help I can get. She will be 11 at the time of the hunt. I hear the off range hunts can be tough
if you need any help or can’t find any don’t hesitate to reach out, i live in southern nm and have gone on lots of off range hunts and have a few decent spots to find them.