Official Broadhead Damage Thread

Rage 2 blade shut down another pig this morning! Ill have some pictures for yall in alittle bit. My brother hit her high and alittle far back, but she didnt go 40-50 yards. I can honestly say that had he been shooting another head I dont think we would have found his hog.
Originally Posted By: Tim NeitzkeTo bad the deer was lost. However a deer shot in vitals can be killed with no blades at all.

You must have gotten a first run Rage. I have heard alot of them were JUNK.

I did not try them until after a full year they were out.

I've killed a few deer myself an easy 30-40 min. 8 with Rage.

I will not live or die by them. Infact after about 4-5 years on a head ,I'll try something new. I like trying new stuff and I can tell before it ever draws blood,if it's worthy of trying.

They were purchased less than a year ago. Not sure if that's the first run or not. This will be my 26th year of bowhunting with 50+ kills and three of those gross P&Y. Apparently my experience means nothing either.
Ok here we go. We have been watching these hogs for afew weeks now and trying our best to pattern them. We knew they were coming in every morning between 6-9. We cant hunt over bait here so we had to wait 10 days after the corn was gone to hunt it. For some reason they still come back to the spot after the corn is gone I think it may be the apple buck jam we pour on the corn thats soaked into the ground? Anyways this morning we got to the spot at about 6-6:30 I had made alittle spot for us to sit about 20 yards from the area they were coming back and rooting up. Sure enough not 5 mins after we sat down we could here them coming. My brother said right here in front of us and they were coming in from about 50 yards. I didnt even have enough time to put the camera on the tripod (not that it would matter because it was to dark for camera light) The big sow we had been watching on camera was in the lead and was now at about 20 yards rooting towards us. The smaller pigs went straight into the spot and she messed around and came afew yards closer to us. At about 13 yards my brother took the shot. I watched the Rage go through her and she took off out away from us then cut back about 40 yards and ran past us. I could tell when she came back past us she was hurt bad...she made it just alittle into the treeline and started crashing all over the place. I knew she was done...she squealed about two or three time real low and was out. She made it maybe 40-50 yards all together and even though the exit wound had about 5 lbs of guts hanging out we still had a nice blood trail to follow. He clipped the top of her lung and cut the femoral artery...once again another one that couldn't hold the RAGE!!!




as stated...shot placement shot placement shot placement!!! stick your fingers in your ears if you don't want to hear we go. Not everyone is a pro, and i am sorry but i will be more than willing to be that every sigle deer you have shot was not a complete dead nuts double lung heart shot, with a piled up deer under 40 yards.... Now, that being said not everyone will always make that perfect double lung 58 yard shot you see on tv. i personally have made my share of bad shots. BUT i have got lucky and had deer very close all for one i lost that was the first deer i ever shot. What myself and redeye are saying is that for the rest of us mortals that can't make a perfect shot at the perfect angle i don't want to loose a deer because of some unforeseen circumstance. I personally saw a deer my buddy shot last year right at shooting light. It came in at full rut he briefly stopped it and made a shot that he thought was good, it was not great angle though. when the arrow hit it hinged i would saw a good 30-40 degrees and went in a different direction completely. he got lucky and still killed the deer. My number one thing for hunting has always been simplicity, i don't like mechanical parts on my bow, which includes mechanical heads as well as drop away rests. Get rid of all room for failure. Again, shoot anything you want, more power to you. We are just giving our own experiences. I have actually tried to hunt with two different rage heads last year and both broke before i could ever draw back with them...I hope no one using them ever loses a deer because of one or has something go wrong, again just giving my own experiences.
indeed. I think what we all might be missing is that we are all hunters...from one hunter to another we wish each and everyone luck, and don't want to see anyone else loose an animal or have something happen to them if someone else could have helped them avoid it. It turned into a pissing match instead of friendly help. No harm meant. Good luck to all
Originally Posted By: Tim NeitzkeI fixed my posts ..Hope you like them.

Done wasting my time.

awwe come on you promised! nice post smokin,

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Originally Posted By: Smokin250 I have actually tried to hunt with two different rage heads last year and both broke before i could ever draw back with them...

I honestly do not believe that statment. Im sorry, but I dont see it.

I do understand where yall are coming from though. It doesnt matter what head you use, what rest, sight or bow you shoot just as long as your out there playing alittle string music!
ok, i'll give a rage head 1 thing that it may be better than a fixed head at and that would be a gut shot. a solid hut to the chest won't matter what its hit with a long as the blades are sharp. but, KNOWONE can dispute that a smaller head will penetrate farther than a larger one all else being equal. i would rather have 2 itty-bitty holes than one big one specially out of a treestand with a steep angle. k. i'm done beating this horse
Originally Posted By: Zack BeamOriginally Posted By: Smokin250 I have actually tried to hunt with two different rage heads last year and both broke before i could ever draw back with them...

I honestly do not believe that statment. Im sorry, but I dont see it.

i really don't care if you don't believe me or is the truth. shot a target with one and the blades broke off it, right beforte i was about to walk to my stand...the other i can't remember, i think it was right around same thing. But i had a two blade and a three blade that i never did get to shoot.
I'll say it again, I track deer with a dog as part of my business, & keep a record of what the deer is shot with & where it was hit if recovered. Mechanicals are responsible for more lost deer than fixed blades hands down, regardless of where the deer is hit.(including gut shots) This is mainly due to poor penetration, & or weak construction.

My opinion is completely unbiased, & is based solely off of records keep from 10+ yrs of tracking deer, shot by a variety of people with varying levels of experience, & equipment setups.

Bottom line is....if you hit the deer good it doesn't matter what your shooting, but if you hit him bad, & everybody does on occasion, you'd better be shooting a sharp, strong, good penetrating head. You can only find all three qualifications in a fixed blade head.
Take it for what its worth, but from my use of the Rage broadheads they have all three of the "qualifications." I do agree that there are some mechanicals out there that should just plain and simply put not be in anyone's quiver. With a properly tuned bow I have had 0 complications from the Rage. They fly like field points, are plenty sharp, nothing but pass through's, and have NEVER had to replace anything but an O-Ring and most the time the o-ring is about half way down my arrow shaft. I also carry different heads, but that's just because I like to experiment with differnt heads.

All my Rage work has been done with the two blade so I cant speak for the three blade, but I dont see why they would be built with any less quality then the two blade...

Hopefully ill have some pics of alittle Reaper Damage on a hog next week for yall!
has any body tried those new montec expandables? As i have stated i am not into expanadables but just curious how they are working? Been hearing lots of good things about montec lately.
The Montecs are one of G5s fixed blade broadheads. I belive you are talking about the new T3? They are actually a 3 blade version of a Tekan. I would really like to try some myself, have heard awsome things.