Opening morning buck.....with a fireball?


New member
2 days ago the scope on my 30-06 took a dump, with no time to fool with it and dad using my .308, that left the .221 fireball.

Here is where I was sitting, the buck was standing to the righ of the 2 pines closest together. Defintley not my biggest buck, but Im not a head hunter so...Ill take it

One 50g Sierra SP, at a little over 100 yards, resulted in a bang flop,


My little sister even helped drag him out lol

He's *cute* foxy. I think you coulda put him on one shoulder, the rifle on the other and carried both back to the truck. Good on lil sis for helping you though.

How do you say it

Serious, I'll bet he'll be good eating. Nice going.
Oh Gary- you showoff!

You did just fine! Just goes to show what good placement with a decent bullet will do. Nice not to have to worry about recoil too.

See? Now you can sell that ought six and buy that other Furball that you want. Problem solved!

Hmmm...wait a minute... might just want to keep it just in case you ever get a chance for elk or moose. Head shots are just too iffy you know.
Congrats on the deer. This morning was our opener as well and I managed to shoot my first doe ever. We usually dont shoot does but the freezer is running a bit thin. One shot from the .223 and she dropped like a sack of potatoes. Drives me nuts too. Every deer I have ever shot with my .270 runs for another fifty yards or so. I shot a buck last year and this doe today with my .223 and neither one took another step. Shot placement is key.
Hey guys thanks for the kind words.....

I did want to tell rain shadow that his knife performed flawlessly. Thanks Steve


Cathntr- .223 will lay them out everytime for sure. BTDT
Russ- not sure if selling the 06 is a good idea lol. She shoots good too!

Doggin- I tried the one shoulder thing, worked well, I just didn't wanna put the other hunters in the woods to shame.

Shane- hold up a sec and I'll tell that deer that there wasn't enough energy there. He wasn't happy with it lol.

Big sky- I haven't either, kinda shocked when he just killed over the way he did.

Grant- I wanted some meat left you know
foxy that is a dandy buck! i will shoot a deer like that ANYDAY and put him on my wall! congrats on the trophy and one heck of a good shot to boot. your pretty dang accurate with them rifles
gary i did not, I filled my buck tag in october, I have been super buisy working but tomorrow i will hit the stand for a doe with my new pse bow madness i picked up. I kinda dont like going out in the woods here during gun season just makes me feel uneasy.
Originally Posted By: doggin coyotesHe's *cute* foxy. HAHA

Anyway nice deer gary bet hes going to taste good, so you made your sister drag out the deer and carry your gun?, your getting lazy on us gary.