Strangest thing you've ever found/seen while hunting?

What I thought was a UFO. I was hunting @ night by an airport in the Peoria area 30 years ago. No noise, bright light, wind blowing, hovering. Haven't been that scared since. Never told anyone about it till now.
As Cheech & Chong would say, "hey man, is that some good stuff you found"?
You know they are playing at Paragon Casino about 38 miles from my house on May 30th
My buddy and I came across 2 murdered guys from a drug deal gone bad while we were turkey hunting one morning. They were in trash bags and dumped over the mtn. at an illegal trash dumpsite we used to walk through. We haven't hunted there since and it's been about 10 years!!!
Originally Posted By: 243kimberWhat I thought was a UFO. I was hunting @ night by an airport in the Peoria area 30 years ago. No noise, bright light, wind blowing, hovering. Haven't been that scared since. Never told anyone about it till now. You've been probed!! lol
Well, I never saw a "flying saucer" UFO, but I've seen 2 at night (lights) that were downright weird. One real high cutting square patterns and one right over our heads, very low, that was fast and totally silent.

But I didn't "find" them, they were unidentifiable.
I worked with some Security cops in the Air Force that saw some pretty bizarre stuff at point-blank range while guarding ICBM silos, though.

They didn't seem "crazy" to me, they were still carrying M-16s and working as guards. I've had an open mind about the possibilities since then.
I found the wreckage of a small airplane while I was elk hunting. The plane was totally destroyed and the pilot dead. I found out later that the plane had been stolen from a nearby airport late at night. The wreckage was only about a mile from the end of the runway.
Well actually didn't find it myself but at a fishing spot i went to the next morning someone found 3 bodies dumped almost exactly where i throw my line into. that didn't deter i just brought along a bigger gun next time i fished that spot. real story
Quote:The wreckage was only about a mile from the end of the runway.

In the blackberry patch? I remember when that happened, if that's the one.
Originally Posted By: Evil_Lurker Quote:The wreckage was only about a mile from the end of the runway.

In the blackberry patch? I remember when that happened, if that's the one.
no, this was near the south rim of the grand canyon about 25 years ago.
Well one interesting thing I saw..walking along down a trail I kicked up a cicada (bug). It took of in front of me, out of now where straight as a lazer something hit the cicada and took it to the ground. I walked over to see what it was. A hornet was having dinner. Pretty cool... this spring something similar happened but it was a robin and a small hawk... (not sure what kind of hawk).
My ex found this action from a single shot shotgun,while we were hunting. Note the trigger.

The trigger was heated and rolled forward. It was most likely used as a set gun.
While night calling many years ago, I looked through a 3x9 Weaver scope at eyes app 150 to 200 yds out at the edge of a field were the brush line started. Looking back at me was what first appeared to be a black Labrador retreiver sitting on its haunches trying to figgure out what the noise was.
After watching a while, it stood up and slowly turned and walked back into the brush line. IT WERN'T NO DOG!!! It was the perttiest large black cat I've ever seen. Much like a black panther, but since they don't exist in my part of the country, it couldn't have been?????
The land owner told us the next day, naturally, that his deer hunters had seen a large black cat chasing some deer and if we say it, to darn well shoot it!!!
The 222 loaded with 50 gr fmjs didn't feel like enough firepower the night of the encounter and unfortunatly, never saw it again!!
Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!!!!

Elk hunting off the beaten path in Colorado. Came across two ancient alters. Both were about six fott wide. Can't remember how tall. Got distracted by elk sign and forgot to go back.

Same trip different area, came across some foot prints in the snow. Bare foot, four toes, climbing up the mountain. I'm not saying what you are thinking. I don't know what made them.

Here in our Sam Houston NF I came across a massive gut pile from a large buck. Walked through the area again an hour later the entire thing was gone. No foot prints, no paw prints, no drag marks, only one tiny blood trail(one drop every three feet) and it only lasted for about twenty yards. No sign after that. It was like the whole pile got picked up at once and was carried of with no sign. No it wasn't the pouchers that killed it. They couldn't hide their sign to save their lives. May seem like nothing, but it kinda wierded me out.

Originally Posted By: Droopyfur2While night calling many years ago, I looked through a 3x9 Weaver scope at eyes app 150 to 200 yds out at the edge of a field were the brush line started. Looking back at me was what first appeared to be a black Labrador retreiver sitting on its haunches trying to figgure out what the noise was.
After watching a while, it stood up and slowly turned and walked back into the brush line. IT WERN'T NO DOG!!! It was the perttiest large black cat I've ever seen. Much like a black panther, but since they don't exist in my part of the country, it couldn't have been?????
The land owner told us the next day, naturally, that his deer hunters had seen a large black cat chasing some deer and if we say it, to darn well shoot it!!!
The 222 loaded with 50 gr fmjs didn't feel like enough firepower the night of the encounter and unfortunatly, never saw it again!!
Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!!!!


believe it or not there have been sightings of Jaguars along the lower US States bordering Mexico. they use to live here but were hunted down and the such. some activist are against the border fence as it may hinder their migration. heres one link, do a web search.
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Quote:some activist are against the border fence as it may hinder their migration

Don't worry about the border fence blocking migration of wildlife (2 or 4 legged) unless the fence has gates in other areas of the country. Might make them detour a ways to get to first opening, but won't block much. Your tax dollars at work:


I used to work down around Deming, NM. One of our office ladies knew a houndsman that worked that area. She had a photo he gave her of his dogs with a sure-'nuff jaguar bayed up down in the New Mexico bootheel. He was very grumpy looking and seemed much bigger than the mtn. lions around here. The border in that area is still just three strands of barbed wire.

Here's the solution to a boggy area that couldn't hold concreted-in posts. It's designed to stop vehicles.


This is what most of the border still looks like. Everything to the right of the fence is Mexico.
Originally Posted By: Boomy
Here in our Sam Houston NF I came across a massive gut pile from a large buck. Walked through the area again an hour later the entire thing was gone. No foot prints, no paw prints, no drag marks, only one tiny blood trail(one drop every three feet) and it only lasted for about twenty yards. No sign after that. It was like the whole pile got picked up at once and was carried of with no sign. No it wasn't the pouchers that killed it. They couldn't hide their sign to save their lives. May seem like nothing, but it kinda wierded me out.

I saw a dead coyote once on the side of a dirt road, when I came back an hour later it was gone. No tracks, nothing. Eventually saw it a few feet off the road. Only thing I can figure is that an eagle must tried to take off with it and it was too heavy.