Taking coyotes on a snowmobile

It floors me that anyone would allow people on their land to do this. Whether it's an atv,snow mobile or pickup. There have been 17 coyotes takin from a stand I called 7 coyotes off of last year. I haven't called in a single one this Winter. And the people doing it aren't doing it for anything other than "fun" and that's fine. There's nothing wrong with having fun. I'm all about fun. But when it's cutting into my spending money it ain't fun anymore. If there's nobody driving through the places you hunt be thankful. Once they start in with that your hunting grounds are ruined.

Not to mention people cutting fences and setting grass fires are a problem ranchers have here. There are guys that run coyotes with greyhounds that do it legally...but the guys I've seen doing it give those guys a bad name. I'm sure they love doing that as much as I love calling coyotes in. But I'm telling you there's alot of guys out there that are going to ruin it for them. I'm not saying I wish it would happen but it's what's going to happen. It's inevitable because they act like they have no respect for the land they're on or the animals they're after. Sorry to say it but that's how it is.
Around here, they use pickups. They go thru any gate that is open, shoot on the move into the ditches to drive the coyotes out,shoot out of pickups on the road, shoot into feedlots. Trespass anywhere they please. If there is a coyote in a closed field they shoot out into the field to try and drive them out.
Then the next day they move to an area 20 miles away. Only time they get out of the truck is to shoot. Often times drinking is involved. If confronted ,they may get real huffy and act like they want to fight. Basically a bunch of outlaws. Most of those who chase with vehicles are lazy and can't find a coyote any other way. They kill alot but mostly change the coyotes behavouir so dramatically that it makes them extremely difficult to hunt legitimately.
Not legal here so I wouldn't.

Now if it was legal = I do not see the difference between me chasing down a dog compared to a coyote chasing down a deer.

Don't think I'd run over one but would shoot it when I got close.