Waco and Ruby ridge all over again

He was given a deadline months ago, he did nothing and apparently had planned to do nothing. So do they give him another deadline and let him again do nothing? How many deadlines do they give him, another 20 years worth?

Sometimes you have to crap or get off the pot, I think after 20 years it is time to take the dump.
Originally Posted By: tnshootistExactly,now after 20 years it is so important that he move today? It's cows man. He ain't building condos.
You would have to be a native nevadan to truely understand. And this ain't Texas. Enough said.
Those in this state that are true constitutionalist conservatives do not condone what is being done by the feeds.

Here is a quote by our governor.
“Most disturbing to me is the BLM’s establishment of a ‘First Amendment Area’ that tramples upon Nevadans’ fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution,” said Sandoval in a statement. “To that end, I have advised the BLM that such conduct is offensive to me and countless others and that the ‘First Amendment Area’ should be dismantled immediately.”
“No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans. The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly,” asserted the Governor.

The land needs to be turned over to the state and the feds sent packing once and for all.

This just in...
No big surprise the Reids dirty fingers are in this pie also.

As far as the water grab goes...
Clark county has been polluted by Kalifornistan to the point that it is showing in it's dirty politics.
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I guess oboma needs to draw a big Red line. I hope Iran is watching this. Maybe Kerry could reach an agreement. I know it paralyzed Syria when they drew the Red line. And Putin is shook to the core. Thank goodness we have the feds keeping us safe from marauding cow men. I guess I just have to support cow raising families. I do hope no one gives anyone a reason to do anything stupider.
Originally Posted By: crapshootYou would have to be a native nevadan to truely understand. And this ain't Texas. Enough said.
Those in this state that are true constitutionalist conservatives do not condone what is being done by the feeds.

Here is a quote by our governor.
“Most disturbing to me is the BLM’s establishment of a ‘First Amendment Area’ that tramples upon Nevadans’ fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution,” said Sandoval in a statement. “To that end, I have advised the BLM that such conduct is offensive to me and countless others and that the ‘First Amendment Area’ should be dismantled immediately.”
“No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans. The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly,” asserted the Governor.

The land needs to be turned over to the state and the feds sent packing once and for all.

This just in...
No big surprise the Reids dirty fingers are in this pie also.

As far as the water grab goes...
Clark county has been polluted by Kalifornistan to the point that it is showing in it's dirty politics.

The article says the Chinese want to build at Laughlin, I was under the impression that the Bundy ranch is at Bunkerville,, about 200 miles away? Kind of strange that the Chinese want to build a 200 mile long solar panel system or is Alex Jones grabbing at straws.
Re-read the article. I highlighted and pointed out the part you missed.

“Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte(that's where the cattle are) as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle,” the document states.
I bet those cows fart a lot also. There was more on the news about this. When the truth comes out this may be the time after all. There has to be money behind this for important people.
Earlier in this thread ORNERY mentioned the 'Hage family' dispute. For those who haven't read up on this 20 plus year attempt to land grab the Hage's 'grazing rights' on public land? You should.

So far the Hage family is winning this one, at a very great expense I might add.

Not all that the BLM and USFS is doing in Nevada is good.

Check it out. It will make your hair curl when you see the gestapo tactics used to try and run the Hage's out of the cattle business. Government power run amok - big time.
Originally Posted By: dog1whckrEarlier in this thread ORNERY mentioned the 'Hage family' dispute. For those who haven't read up on this 20 plus year attempt to land grab the Hage's 'grazing rights' on public land? You should.

So far the Hage family is winning this one, at a very great expense I might add.

Not all that the BLM and USFS is doing in Nevada is good.

Check it out. It will make your hair curl when you see the gestapo tactics used to try and run the Hage's out of the cattle business. Government power run amok - big time.

My post "Last Man Standing" has those details.

1-559-726-1300 PASSKEY 276125

They request you pass *6 to mute your phone to listen in on traffic from Nevada. Some reported that Blackwater contractors are there, and also Russian and Middle Eastern "mercs". The feds declared a no fly zone and has blocked nearby cell towers.
Originally Posted By: dogcatcherOriginally Posted By: Mr. PoppadopalisWith everything else that is going on in this once great nation the BLM is out in FULL Force to take down a rancher that has been on this land for over 2 centuries?

Here is your answer, by the way the rancher, Bundy, has already been told this by the courts. It not his land it is our land, the land is owned by the citizens.


If it's part mine, I'd a damm sight rather Bundy raise cows on it, whether he pays rent or not, than see some moron want it all set aside to grow turtles on! Most of these species they so vehemently wish to protect aren't threatened to begin with, and these attempts at setting aside billions of acres of lands especially for the {insert stupid a$$ critter/bug of choice here} are absolute B_S_.
Originally Posted By: Orneryolfart357There is another war waging in Nv. as well. I don't know if you all saw FOX News Enemy of the State. Here is another battle over water rights. Its kinda scary thinking of where this Govt is heading.

Many interesting points made therein. For the last several years we've been encountering many of the same tactics in attempting to lease bee rights on National Forest Lands here in North Florida. Every time you attempt to talk to anyone about a Special Use Permit of any nature on Federal Lands here, unless you are a Special Interest Group wanting to save {insert stupid a$$ critter/bug of choice here} you are told, "We're trying to get a handle on where we're at with that. We have so many spots that have just been abandoned, and aren't used, and we're trying to get a count on those locations that are and aren't being used. We should be finished up in a couple weeks, and I'll get back to you then." Said "2 weeks to finish up" study has been ongoing for nearly 3 years now. Existing beekeepers are allowed to continue use of existing yards, however they are not allowed to register and build any new yards, and they are not allowed to transfer leases to other beekeepers. If they give up a location, or if the beekeeper quits/dies/otherwise goes away that section of the forest simply is taken out of use.

The 9,000 acres I'm trying to lease... There are no beekeepers on it, hasn't ever been a beekeeper on it as long as the Government has owned it. The last beekeeper on it was my father, when the property was owned by Gillman Paper Company. Pretty damm sure that don't take 3 years to count.

Then I get the circle jerk on who's in charge of Bee Leases on the National Forest, first "so and so in the Olustee Office is in charge of that." Then after several visits to stop and see her, "Well she isn't actually in charge of that, Ms. Whatever in the Panhandle office is in charge of that, she's only here on certain days, certain weeks of the month." Then when you call her at her panhandle office, she's gone ALL of the time.

Prior to this stall response, the typical response to any request was, "We can't allow any more bees to be placed in the Forest, it constitutes an unnatural population of pollinators in a specified area." Until someone challenged that and asked them what constitutes a natural concentration of pollinators shortly after the head of the state Apiculture Division went on public record stating that feral bee colonies were virtually non-existent in the state of Florida, that they were being wiped out by the same pests and diseases that commercial beekeepers battle. (Which is very much true.)

Bottomline is, we're getting the circle jerk treatment; wait them out, let them waste their time trying to sign up. Meanwhile there are 10,000 little blue birdhouses nailed to trees in the forest, like having a birdhouse to live in is going to make more birds magically appear. You betcha!!

And, when you get below the bottomline down there in the fine print in the footnote you'll find, they deny access by vehicle on most of it, unless you have a special use permit, which really doesn't matter because they don't maintain the roads on any of it. They're overgrown with brush, and have ungodly mudholes and washouts in them, besides being rougher than he11, and they don't care. Because they don't want your a$$ in there to begin with.

While I would agree that if his lease hasn't been paid, for 20 years, he should maybe be kicked off the property for non-payment of his lease... Don't you kinda wonder WHY, after nearly a hundred years of his family making payments to the Federal Government, did Cliven Bundy suddenly just up and decide for no damm reason, that he was simply going to stop making payments and continue grazing his cows there for ever and ever. And, the entire Bundy family agrees with him.

Something in that scenario don't wash!!

It's been my experience that very few insane ranchers, last long, and that most successful ranchers are pretty astute businessmen. There is an underlying issue/reason why he quit paying his lease after all of those years, and I'd guess he may well be justified to some extent, and the government has been jerking him around for that long while he stood his ground waiting for them to get their poop in a group.

That would be a catastrophe, Rocky, if we had too many fruit trees being pollinated. The gubmint might have to bring in Monsanto to handle the massive hordes of pollinators, not to mention the horrors of having too large a fruit crop as a result. This might trigger a multi million dollar study and a documentary by Al Gore.
Actually, it's not fruit trees in this case Centurion, it is numerous berry bearing native trees and shrubs that feed the Florida Black Bear, a threatened and protected species, the Florida Gopher Tortoise a threatened and protected species, along with other wildlife, (birds of all nature, coons, possums, skunks, mice, snakes, etc., etc., etc. and many many species of bugs). Amongst those the Black Gum and Tupelo Gum trees, various species of Bay trees, numerous varieties of Holly, including the Gallberry (a lowland shrub), Palmetto, and in some areas various species of Palm trees, black berries, wild blue berries, huckleberries, etc., etc., etc.

It is the typical counter-productive to their cause, return to nature, man has no-place on the earth, tree/bunny hugging moron theme!
Austin powder is building a nitrogen plant here. They are going to pull a million gallons of water per day out of the river for cooling. They are also going to discharge water back into the river containing 20+ pounds of ammonia per day. I wonder if when the ammonia mixes with the run off from the nuclear fuel plant it will cause any turtle problems.
A million gallons a day seems like a whole bunch of water to cool any nature of power plant. At that rate however, anticipated loss on cooling in this manner isn't great, and most of that water will be discharged. Such being the case, 20 lbs of Ammonia isn't really a lot of ammonia when dilluted in that many gallons, although it is a fertilizer and may promote growth of aquatic plants and algae in the river. I'd be more concerned about the temperature of the effluent water raising temperatures and allowing for the growth of invasive species immediately downstream of discharge. And, I'd hook the boat up and practice a lot of catch and release immediately below the discharge structure during the winter months. All species of fish will be more active there over the winter months, than in cooler waters.
The nuclear fuel plant is up the river. The nitrogen plant is new. I think they said there would be 65,000 gallons of water evaporate per day from their cooling tower which is huge. That makes me think, what would happen if the 8" 8 mile long intake pipe of cooling water got cut somewhere. Surely the plant would melt. Interesting how the approvals for the plant got passed. The land got rezoned and approved by the county commission without discussion. And, the governor and his friends were waiting across the street to celebrate. The only thing close the new plant is a High School and wall mart distribution warehouse. This used to be zoned agriculture. Seems this trend is not just in the West.