What is your favorite open reed hand call?

In my limited experience with hand calls TT's overdose (orange one) is the easiest to use and gets results. Everyone I've used it around asks about it and where they can get one. bearmanrick's RR1 is awesome too! They sound great and bring them running. Buddy of mine has one and swears by it. Says it's his best call ever and he's alot more experienced caller and hunter than I am.
I ran out of computer time yesterday.
And I'd like to put my previous post in this thread in perspective.

In my call collection, I currently have calls from 45 present, or past, custom call makers here. (NOT including my own calls)
I have multiple calls from several of these fine folks.
I truly feel that I do not have a single call from any of them, that I would consider anything short of great...in all respects: craftsmanship, styling, and sound quality.

I also have several "production" calls, both store-bought, as well as those made by TT, bearmanric, and Kerry Carver.
Some of the store-bought calls, like the Verminator calls, IMHO, work great.
There are also some of those store-bought calls that IMHO suck.
The "production" calls from the 3 guys I mentioned, who are custom call makers, as well...well, those calls are all excellent, IMHO.

However, the original poster asked for our suggestions of what each of us feel is our "favorites".
And so, that is what I posted...my favorites.

Now...if someone, (and I'm not saying anyone did), took exception to the fact that I included some of my calls in my "favorite" list...again, I'd like to put THAT in perspective.
I do NOT consider myself to be anywhere close to an "expert" caller, or call maker. I'm not that vain or conceited.

However, I am 100% confident in the ability of my CALLS to do what they are intended to do...bring in coyotes.
That's why I keep them on my lanyard.
I feel that if I don't have the confidence to use my own calls, as my "go-to" calls...then why should I expect anyone else to use them with confidence.

Thank you all for allowing me the space to add these comments.
This post probably wasn't necessary.
But, I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't trying to "hawk" my own calls, and I felt that my comments yesterday may have led to some confusion for some people as to my "motives".

Y'all have an enjoyable evening.
My favorite calls are those by Rick Robbins using his RR2 tone board, Rudy Calderone's "bunny bomb", all of Kerry Carver's tone boards and Doug Yancy's Orion tone board. Two days ago I called in a big yote from about a half mile off that I spotted mousing in a pasture. I got his attention with Rick's ruthless and finished reeling him into 80 yds with Rudy's bunny bomb and a 52 grain Berger from my 22-250 dropped him like a cheap lawn chair.
I'll have to admit I've only purchased a dozen different calls over the years mostly the big company production models but the TT Extreme is the one I'd take if I could only take one with me. I think it's only limited by the skill of the caller.
" Rick's Syco Tweety is my favorite production open reed distress call, far and away " + 1

" #4) The Verminator "Syco Tweety". " + 1

Most def my fav open reed Without a Doubt, flatout reaches w/ volume especially on the cats !! Wow, Love it -
Originally Posted By: TonyTebbeMy two all-time favorite open reed hand calls are my TT Extreme and Carver's Rabid Rabbit. I use other open reed models, but those two can do anything I need on a stand and where I spend 80% of my lip time on.


Tony, don't forget to save at least 2%-2.75% of your lip time for your wife. Ha Ha. Thanks for all of the replies guys. I have the Primos little dog and hot dog but want something different. I'm looking for a great distress/howl open reed all in one.
Originally Posted By: MerditThreads like this make me buy things.

I have a feeling that we will both be buying things. There are to many things on my list now.
Originally Posted By: PredatorSlayer1There are too many things on my list now.

It's pretty easy for an addiction to calling coyotes to quickly turn into an addiction to coyote calls!

I travel 4-7days a week for work (sometimes feels like 10days a week!), and I use a lot of that windshield time to practice playing calls, or trying out new calls.

It didn't take long before finding a new call on the shelf at a hunting shop, or finding a new custom maker was better than christmas morning! Every time I find some new call, I just can't wait to get it home and put some air through it.

The good news is that coyote calls are pretty affordable, so fostering my addiction won't put me in the poor house, but the bad news is, there sure are a LOT of calls available out there!
I have all of the Tebbe production calls as well as a few customs and they all sound great! The orange and red get used the most as well as the custom tuned to snowshoe hare. My favorite store bought call is the Tweety.
Carver rubber rabbit calls will be my next purchase.
Originally Posted By: canislatrans54Now...if someone, (and I'm not saying anyone did), took exception to the fact that I included some of my calls in my "favorite" list...

CL, I wouldn't say (or at least I hope not) that anyone was mis-understanding your motives for your posts here, I think it's pretty natural that a guys own work would be his favorite, assuming he came about his craft honestly.

In general, I think guys that undertake a craft have very specific vision of perfection in mind. Either they saw what others were doing and wanted to challenge themselves to meet that benchmark, or they were looking for something specific that they just couldn't quite find out there and took it upon themselves to make it.

When a guy pours himself into his craft in pursuit of perfection, he's going to hold himself to a higher standard than he might hold another craftsman's product. It's not about one-ups-manship, but rather about using your "competition" as a benchmark, and shooting to exceed that expectation as a matter of pride. The net benefit, for those of us that use these calls, is that there is a wide selection of incredibly high quality calls with varied sounds out there to choose from.

But when a guy DOES pursue perfection, he starts out with a predication for what "perfection" means to him. For example, one maker might favor smooth, silky howls with rounded "edges" with crisp, clear tone. Another maker might favor a gritty rasp with very sharp sounds. It's hard to make a great bark on a silky call, just like it's hard to produce a clean and even female howl with a raspy call, BUT nevertheless, both calls will undoubtedly be "perfect" for what they were designed for. If the silky maker plays the raspy call, he'll admit that it's a fine call with a great sound, but it's NOT his favored sound, so he'll still hold his call as superior, since it has EXACTLY the sound he wants.

Now say that silky maker found a call that he thought DID have a better sound than his own, you can bet he won't sleep at night until he figures out how to improve his sound and raise the bar that much further.

I've been making custom bull-ropes (like for bull riding, at rodeos) for 10yrs, and for my hand and my riding style, there's no better made rope available. I make my handles different than anyone in the industry, and it takes me a lot of time and effort that other guys don't have to put in, but the feeling is EXACTLY what I want from a rope. I personally think that the structure and control that I put into my handles is the best in the business. Sure, there are amazing braiders out there that make fantastic ropes, and I'd gladly ride with any number of their ropes, but by my standards for a rope, (without bragging) mine are better. Is my handle perfect for EVERY RIDER, no. A 125lb guy with a really loose and mobile style doesn't need as much structure as a guy like me (190lbs with a strong, aggressive style), and a structured rope would hinder how he moves. It makes me itch every time I make a rope for a little/loose guy, because it might be perfect for what he wants/needs, but by my standards for "perfection", it's very different.

I'd say that any maker that DOESN'T say his products are his favorite is 1) being humble, 2) being too hard on themself (too high self-standard), or 3) just hasn't figured out how to reach his idea of perfection yet.
Ive been reading through the replies here and have to give a shout out to TV disparages. They are also a very versatile call with super realism if your open to other options.
The little skyyote, and now we have a rubber belled rookie for elk calling, this little call has become my favorite hand call for coyotes...it does all the vocals, but the sounds you can make for distress are off the charts.
I don't have many open reed calls but of the ones I do have My all time favorite is one that Bowhunt32 from I-Fish made me it is my go to howler
, #2 would be my Tally-Ho's, #3 All of the Verminator line. #4 KI-YI.

I have tried the Primos howlers but don't seem to have enough lung power to make them work.

The J. Stewart open reed would work in a pinch.

I am sure there are many great open reed callers being made by PM members. Just because they are not mentioned doesn't make them a bad caller.

I really like Tj Shocklers calls or Ts Custom Predator calls they have treated us good the last few years and they flat out work and our easy to use. I also don't go any were with out the little Primos Cat-Nip that call is killer on cats and fox!
For me it's got to be either my Bill Austin open reed calls or my Crit'r Calls.......

Good Hunting Chad
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