Talking about fav. chuck rifles, when I first retired I was at a gunshow in Pittsburg, Pa.. Huge compared to what I am used to.. Anyway, this older guy was ask someone about target block for a Rem. 40x.. During the conversation, the older guy was ask how many chuck he killed that year.. His reply was the one yesterday(this was early Nov.) made 432 this season!!! I about fell over.. Anyway, I managed a conversation with him.. He told me he only hunted maybe 4 or 5 farms near the W. Va. line.. I ask about his fav. calibers for chucks. He said he had 4 40x's all in his fav. caliber 30-338!! His bullet was a 125 grain Nosler BTBT... He was making a .25-06 for shooting near buildings!! Someone else started visiting with him and the conversation was over.. I would have loved to have seen those guns .. He did say he had a 6-24 Balvar on each of the 40x.s