Annual Groundhog tally for 2012

Tim, that little 22 pistol is working good for you. I'm guessing it was the Taurus again. A 22 DA revolver is all I'm missing from the 22LR list. You guys are knocking them out. Dogbone, you're posting some every couple of days it seems. My spots are still waist deep in hay. I can't wait to get on them with the 243 or my AR on open ground.
Yep, the Taurus 22. I need to practice more with it,don't like missing .lol

Shot another little one this morning with the 22 rifle. Heaed back out this evening .

Soon as that hay is cut get after'em !
Got out today in between rain showers took the 17's the fireball and mach2 saw 4 hogs two were just to far, then I missed one at 188 yrds and connected on this one with the 17 FB it was close enough for the Mach2 but I happened to be holding the FB

Made it out again tonight but just took the 17M2, I saw 4 one was just way to far and one was way to fast as soon as I saw it he went back down his hole and didn't come back up but did manage to pick up these two both were 50 yrd offhand shots, I really like this little cartridge for around the farm very quite and so far 4 hogs 4 shots all DRT



I went out today still looking for my 200 yard groundhog with the pistol and low and behold me and my wife glassing the field for Groundhogs there 2 about 60 -70 yards away .Well i'm not 1 that really cares about shooting Groundhogs under 100 yards my neighbor the farmer called me told me about the holes here so I have taken this as my duty to shoot a few and believe me I will shoot 1 every now and again but i would rather it be 200 yards. If he is taking the time and effort to contact me when he cuts the fields I'll try to thin the herd. Well these d&^*()&( groundhogs were laughing at me . Shooting my 6ppc pistol I eased off the 1st shot you know the 1 where he is hunched up but not standing after the gun went off i saw 2 running s&*%^&*
I missed , 15 minutes later i notice 1 on a cut off stump it was watching me and i was watching it. I eased over and got in line eased 1 off and i saw the flag i smiled
. Then 1 emerges from the wood pile again its hunched up I lined up and fired no dead groundhog no blood but its hole was right there if I had maybe by chance hit it had fallen back it would have fallen in the hole and you know how them V MAXS can be no exit hole to leave blood or other parts . Will i'm setting there glassing the pile and i see another streched out flat on a limb . i looked at it and said night night got it in the crosshairs not knowing point of aim at 63 yards i aimed a little low at where the tree limb and groundhog meet . I eased 1 off later to see that i shot about 1/2 " under the groundhog if that much I bet that woke him up. I packed up and headed home tail between my legs . I be out tomorrow shooting this pistol at these ranges . And Thursday groundhogs watch out if the man upstairs is willin .Today 1 wasnt lucky no i was lucky , maybe 2 but i cant count it, just 1 . Watch out the other 2 or 3 . I can tell ya the point of aim 100,200 & 300 yards with this pistol and tomorrow I'll know what 40 , 50 and 60 yards is . Happy Hunting This is the most fun i have had with my clothes on . You know i have been groundhog hunting for many years and it just gets better and better . You know its the what ifs and if i's that make this enjoyable. Should be close to 30 - 31 so far but whos counting.Hehehe was awaken at 8:37 this morning farmer neighbor calling with more cut fields .His words these fields are full with groundhog holes
I said I'll be there tomorrow.
Went out again tonight with my brother to a new place with a new to him rifle I put together from some spare parts I had laying around, the rifle is a Savage mod 10fp action I had T&T buy Sharp Shooter Supply with a Rifle Basix trigger and a Lothar Walther barrel chambered in 22-250 in a B&C carbolite stock and a Burris 4.5-14x42 FFII Balisticplex scope I had loaded up some 53gr Vmax and had it sighted in before I gave it to him,
This new piece of property we are hunting is about 1500 acres of hay, soybeans some barley and corn.
When we got there tonight it was pretty cool and a little windy but not to bad. after glassing for about 15 minutes we finally spotted one in the bean field just about 300 yards away since my brother found this place he had first shot plus he had to break in his new Savage so the first shot from a new rifle he had never touched he put a 53gr Vmax right through its head.
after we went down and retrieved his hog on the way back up the field we saw another almost the same distance this time it was my turn and I put a 55gr Berger from my 20br right through its head.
Not the most we had ever shot in a evening but we did break in a new rifle and a new field at the same time.

sorry for the bad cell phone pics
my brothers hog and 22-250

my hog and 20br
Rich , nice sounds like a nice setup I like hunting strip farm land this new place i have is a new farm for this farmer he owns 2,000 + acres here in VA. and this new place is strip farmed a strip of hay then soybeans .I enjoy watching the edges of the hay seeing them comming out to feed in the beans seems like 4 or 5 will come out at 1 time. How do you like that 20 br ? I have always liked the BR casing size and thought a 6 Br would be the cats meow but i always go back to the 6 PPC that's my first love. Will last night i noticed cleaning my pistol I had a good amount of slop in the fit of thee bedding .I bedded this stock a week or so ago and while fitting I this stock i had to make a bolt to fit the stock in the process I had a couple of bolts laying there I had installed the wrong bolt .Stock would moved 1/4" at least from barreled action . Just wondering if this was the reason I've missed a few hogs since installing this stock . Will I rebedded the recoil lug area last night and out the door i'm going this afternoon. Enjoy and be safe
Thanks I hope so to

Well since he helped me reroof my house and he's trying to put 3 kids through collage it was the least I could do

I love this 20br also like my 6br just to big and heavy to take out in the field
Went back out tonight trying to thin out some more of the ground hogs out behind the farm, saw one down the back field and started to stalk up a little closer and stepped over a row of burning bush and almost stepped on a whole litter of pups about the size of my fist, then while trying to regain my balance noticed one of the adult hogs about 5' away it didn't take long for it to head down the hole.
I did manage to get two more with the 17M2 stalked up to about 15yrds of one and 25 yards of another

Been waiting for my friend to call to say he weed wacked the tall grass and hay so I could hunt a couple of holes, but it's been awhile so I headed over to his farm with my own weed wacker and did the job myself.

Decided to set up on an area where I've shot one and missed one hoping something would show up, but I was still within a short distance of both holes where I cut the tall stuff. Laid down a matt, sat down, set up the 17 HMR on some short shooting sticks and waited.

In between sitting up and laying back on my elbows to pass the time, I thought I spotted movement at one of the holes. As I slowly sat up I could see a ghog take a peak in my direction and then disappear down its hole. That gave me time to move the gun and sticks from my left side to my right and line up the crosshairs.

It wasn't more than a minute or two when I spotted the ghog's head peaking out of its second hole which was closer to me than the first. But almost immediately, instead of diving back down the hole, it decides to sprint back to the first one. That was the fatal mistake. When it got back to the hole I gave a whistle, it stood straight up and I laid it straight out. It piled up right at the entrance to the hole. 22 yds with a quartering to my left. Because of the close distance, I aimed a little low, but the shot hit right where I aimed anyway. Dead is dead.

Here is a picture of the target area. The second/closer hole is right at the base of the rebar holding the electrified fence (turned off) in the center of the picture. The first hole is straight back from there at the base of the fence.


Here is the DRT shot, the entrance and the exit wounds. Looks like an older, non-nursing female. Decent size.

Originally Posted By: Rich44Nice one I may have to get a 17HMR some day just top round out the stable

You won't regret it!!!
Went out tonight with the 10/22 saw three hogs but tried to get just a little closer to the first one and spooked him back down his hole waited about 10 min but he didn't pop back up, so I moved on down to a small soybean field where I spotted a big hog I got to about 60 yards and dropped him with a Velocitor from the 10/22.
I hung around the bean field for awhile but no other hogs came out, so I headed back to the truck when I spotted another hog about 75 yrds sitting at the bottom of a dirt bank now I knew it was a little longer shot offhand but I had a good hold and the shot felt good so I was real surprised to see it run down its hole, when I started looking around I saw no blood at all but I did see a branch with a hole dead center right about where his head was. I never even saw it through the scope and it was a little over 1" in diameter. So out of three hogs I just got this one

Went to the range yesterday and today just to check the sighting on a number of different guns. Afterwards, with the guns all cleaned, it was time to mow the lawn. Dinner early, then out to hunt at ten of six. Fifteen minute drive.

Went to the farm (it's not actually a working farm, but headquarters for a high end landscaper on a beautiful piece of property) where I knew there were at least three ghogs I'd seen previously. But the last several times I sat waiting for something to show, I'd been skunked.

After being outdoors all day, cutting the grass and an early dinner, I was tired. I'm sure that glass of wine with my meal had something to do with that. I knew there was a pretty good chance I'd be snoozing at some point.

Pulled the truck into position overlooking the berm where there are several holes. Here's the view from the front seat. You can just make out the berm below the trees with landscaping debris behind it.


Since I didn't see anything the last few times, I left the gun in the case in the back seat. Glassed the berm at 117 yds and sat back to relax. Sure enough the snoozing started. Woke myself up a couple of time with a snort or two. Each time I looked up, glassed and went back to snoozing.

The last time I woke and checked the berm I thought I saw something. Checked with the binos and sure enough, there was a ghog making its way down the face of the berm. I uncased the gun, loaded the clip, chambered a round, lowered the bipod, opened the door, stepped out, and using the door as cover, I steadied the 17 HMR using the hood as a rest. Found the ghog in the scope and set the crosshairs on its head, flicked off the safety and let go the 20 gr XTP. Smack! The victim rolled down the berm to the edge of the interior road, ended up on its back and started kicking like it was trying to swim upstream. Ten second later, off to ghog heaven. 6:45. Timing is everything.

Here's a telephoto shot from the truck of the ghog as it lay after the cold bore shot.


And here is the up close and personal (a good size male, 8 lbs. 3 oz.) and a shot of the smoke pole per the ghog's request.


Story not over. After the pictures, with the empty gun laying on the case in the back seat, I cruised the interior road headed for the back exit. As I was creeping along I was glassing on either side of the road as far ahead as possible. Sure enough I spotted another ghog feeding along the edge of the road. 135 yds. Longest shot so far.

I stopped the truck, got the gun, loaded it up and went to the back of the truck. Opened the cap window, lowered the tailgate, closed the cap window, stood up on the tailgate, and using the roof of the cap, lowered the bipod, chambered the round, flicked off the safety and found the ghog. I placed the crosshairs so the horizontal line lay right across the top of its head and verticle line was in the middle of its head and pulled the trigger. Another loud smack and then the surrender. Wow, that was cool. Five yards longer than my best to date.

Here are the DRT and close ups. I think the shot went in his left ear. You can just make out the buldging eyeball.


A very good day all around!!!
Went out today saw about 8 hogs but only got to shoot at three one at 690 yards he only gave me one try with the 20br maybe next time, then my longest so far this year 326 yard head shot with my 204
then missed a gimme shot with my 17FB at 110

the one I did hit