Dead dog walking TV show.

I saw first episode so far, it was kinda slow. More footage of them posing with the dead dog than hunting. I'll give it a few more tries though its got potential. I did see something I haven't seen on any other shows or mentioned on here. They had some grassy duck blind material on the bipod, the guy seemed to really disappear when he was behind his gun. That little tidbit there made the whole show for me. I'm sure it was carried over from their duck hunting, but was a great idea. Hopefully they'll have more goodies like it.

Man I usually try to support any predator hunting show but this one was a little painful to watch. I can understand the commercials but I really hated how lame the comments were. I also dont like the whole wild west tough guy/ we are extreme predator hunters BS. Our sport is exciting as it is, you dont need to waste time trying to be extreme. Its hunting not the X games. I think that kind of stuff ends up hurting predator hunting more than helping. My suggestion is, if your going to be different at least be different by having some hot girls in bikinis on the show. Just my opinion.

Ok ill get off my soap box. I may just be cranky today? hahaha
I watched it this morning, I didnt like the wild west crap either. I didnt like the comments on This is why we do it, When they found the dog that supossably was killed by coyotes. I hunt coyotes because I enjoy it, I dont need to try to justify it buy saying anything different.

I just watched it and I will keep watching it because any predator hunting show is better than a turkey hunting show. LOL

I don't understand the 10 minutes of waiting for things to calm down before calling? If you do that on 12 stands in a day you give up 2 hours of calling time.

Taking a shotgun and rifle on stand and having the shotgun laying down beside you and having the rifle in your hands don't make since to me either. Maybe since he said the decoy was 40 to 50 yards away he knew he wouldn't be able to use the shotgun.

I thought decoys were used to get the predators within good shotgun range not to get them to the edge of shotgun range.
It is a cinche, I hope the show gets better.
Watching Predator Quest has turned into like watching Bill Dance Fish, seen one seen em all.
Predator Nation is fun to watch Fred, but he is no true blue coyote hunter but he is trying and is entertaining
Predator Pursuit is real good and they try hard to mix it up, they are doing as well as any predator calling show.
Fast and Furious is on the Outdoor Channel and is the only one to make it there.
I like Byron S. but Mojo is hard to watch sometimes.
We are lucky to have so many predator shows to watch. Just a few short yrs ago there were none exept for a few mins here and there. I hope they all get better and show predator calling in a good light, and not spend any time justifying why we do what we love. Get better DDW you need to with all the good predator shows out there. Thanks, AB
That Mojo guy and the Fast and furious guy gets on my nerves. "Now that's what I'm talkin bout". Some of those guys can't shoot a lick. They shoot the animal in the guts and then you hear, "another perfect shot". c'mon...
I watched it again last night they were in Northern Nevada. I think they called in seven and killed four, not a bad show. I have it set to record on my DVR all new episodes.
So I caught the last episode on the DVR and I watched it last night. I will admit I will watch it again but man it is just hard to take it serious ya know. Even my wife who usually never comments on the shows I watch said the show wasnt great. The only times she ever says anything is when the guys arent great shots or the animals suffer. And on the last episode one of the guys takes 4 shots at a coyote. He wings him and then they put him down with a head shot that he was very proud of. His comment was " well he suffered a little but we got him" and well my wife didnt like that. And well.....I didnt like that my wife didnt like it because I had to hear her complain and break my horn over it. So therefore, I dont like the show. HAHAHAHAHA

With that said, I just hope the show gets better and I wish that host would slow down when he talks and I hope that can make their shots more often. I find it hard to believe that they cant put out a better product. Just my opinion right?
Originally Posted By: DiogeeThat Mojo guy and the Fast and furious guy gets on my nerves. "Now that's what I'm talkin bout". Some of those guys can't shoot a lick. They shoot the animal in the guts and then you hear, "another perfect shot". c'mon...

The last "Fast and Furious" episode I saw they were in Canada and the guy couldn't shoot worth a crap. Everybody misses, but not everybody makes a TV show out of them.
After watching the second show, I started wondering if they were also trying to promote someone's band. I thought the second show was slightly better than the first one. I might watch again but it would be a tough call if there was a rerun of the Beverly Hillbillies on at the same time.
I am watching another episode and i like the guy with the camo hat, face net and his sunglasses on top of his head reflecting the sunlight off of the lenses.

They finally shoot a coyote after 4 shots at 10 yards.

Pretty pathetic and this will be the final episode for me.

supposedly 9 coyotes called and 2 shot.

If their are any sponsors that would like to sponsor me and give me Top notch gear too hunt Coyotes i think i could get 2 of 9 in a day of calling. I am sure these people that have their own TV shows and Zillion dollars sponsors are hunting private property and the coyotes dont get the pressure that us real hunters have on public land.

Show us some footage on public land and a few less commercials.
I havent seen it but Ive heard the same thing you wrote. Amatuers in the worst sense. I seen the stupid cowboy /coyote showdown on the website. We should set up a a team or two in 4-5 different states and have the pursuit channel sponsor us and film a different crew and state every week. just sayin. WHOS IN?!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted By: Colorado CoyotesWAY too much talkin', not enough dead coyotes walkin'.

I've seen two shows. Not going to go out of my way to see a third.

In a capsule: beautiful photography (with a helicopter no less) but too much talk and little content.

The first 2/3s of their opening show amounted to a home movie with them sitting around their mom's house talkin' about what great hunters they are. I think they finally killed a coyote near the end, but I wasn't paying too much attention by then.

In the second show (that I have seen) they were talking really fast like they'd been told they were talking too much but were determined to say it anyway. The fast talkin' made it hard for me to understand them.

They seem to me to be more interested in projecting their image than killing coyotes.