Jan,Moon calling reports...The moons at 70% let the fun start..

Went out hunting right behind my building site on Thursdy night even though i felt really sick and had yotes howling t the north of me. I thought great this should be easy.tried to do a few challange howls but the way i ways feeling just couldnt get to sund right so after 2 hrs and getting really cold i gave up and went to the house. Th next day i grabed my gun to go check on tracks and saw a crow in the field so took a poke at it and missed. Look to my right and there is a yote trotting across the field to the woods. So quick st up the bipod and get ready for him to come in a 3 ft clearing so i can take a pook at him at 350 yards.(cant let them go without givbing them a shot. LOL) No luck on conecting but it was fun. Found tracks that where 30 yards from where i was sitting.

Friday night made it out at 11pm and made 3 sets with no takers so drove around and parked the pickup and walked down the road and just tried a few howls by creeks ad had a few takers. Sounded like 4 or 5 yotes so listened to them 20 minutes to see what way they might be moving. Figured it out and jumped in the pickup and drove around the section so wind in my favor and a very nice fence in to sit in. Did a locator howl and i get this male giving me a challange howl back.
So gave him one back and waited a few minuets and gave another. He comes at a dead trot on a mission to kick some butt, he did not know there was a 243 waiting for him. 100 yards and he got his butt kick. Just an average size male that his one ear was ripped from fighting.
[/url][/img] Made two more sts wth no luck and t was 4am so time for bed.

Sunday night went out at 11pm even thought it was cloudy but it still was nice night and light enough. Made two sets with no luck. Went to go to a place i dont hunt much and remembered this nice place on the way there that has two fence that connect together righ by te road. So i pull over and walk down one of the fence lines about 200 yards from the pickup and setup looking toward the river with a nice crp land before it. sure looks very promiss. Started with some female howls and then after 10 minuets gave a few male howls and had made them two sound like they where answering each other. Waited a5 minuets and gave some female whimpering sounds. Did this for 3-4 minuets and looking around with the binos eever time tying to see a taker trying to sneek up. Nothing
so got the old Taly Ho out and did some distress for 15 minuets off and on. Nothing again.
Finally said the heck with this and let flipped the scope gaurds down and folded the bipod up. Stood up with the fun and turned to my right and low and behold i there is a yote sneeking on my back door walking away. Sholder the gun quick look threw thew the scop and it is black. Take a look around the scope and yep yote still there. OHHH
flipp the scope back up. There we go better. Gave a soft howl with my voice and she stops 100 yards off. Let the 243 go and a yote down and a pheasant saved. she must have been a pup last year cause she is not that big but still a yote.
[/url][/img] Sorry being so windy but it was fun.

On the binos i will agree they are amust. my go with every time. I have them with the harness so they are always on my chest. will not leave without them. That is like leaving home with out your gun or calls. All calling i do is hand calling and no electronic calls. Fun jtalking wiht you Chris the other night and hope your dad gets better. Snowing now but maybe make it off tonight. Wish we only got something for these yotes.
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I was using the 12 ga. Remington HD in size "B" with a Full Choke. It's what I had on hand and it worked great. I picked up a box of the "BB" size for next time. Other then some mouth bleeding, the only one that bled through the fur was the gray, it was also the closest shot. Notice the blood stain behind the left shoulder? The left front leg was also broken but no visable entry wound. They are frozen solid now. I'm anxious to skin them to see the terminal damage.

Thanks for all the great comments, guys!

Nobody wants to hear the story on the red fox I missed?...;)
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The bindings work great. You can put em on take em off with gloved hands. The thick rubber stays fairly flexible even in extreme cold. The shoes are govt. issues made of magnesium and come white (perfect). In my opinion the best shoes out there for calling,lightweight,indestructible and reasonable. I think Sportsmans' Guide just got hold of some more,at around 60 buck$ a real bargain! I've had mine for about 15 years still good as new. I know wooden shoes never would have lasted this long with the abuse I've put em through, oh ya,they are maintenance free unlike the woodies.What else can you ask for?
Well we went out last night and had the night of all nights. Saw a total of 11 yotes and a fox.

First set nothing- looked great.

#2 Stopped and let out a few group howls to see if anything would answer. Had a response from our next spot on the list. Started with some female invites and then a few long howls. Few chirps. Then hit another couple howls and my cousin said there it is. It- or she as it turns out was busy sniffing the ground and walking circles. Gave here a few ki-yi's and got her to look up and come a little, then she got busy sniffing around again. Gave a few lip squeaks and that got her attention for another 20yds. Finally gave up and took the shot at about 225yds. Nice female.

Then while heading to #3 a coyote runs infront of the truck into something that we call. Call with some rabbit distress and hear a crunch. Fox on the backdoor at about 40yds, he was on my cousin's side and got out of there before we had a shot.

Meanwhile a car goes by and then coyotes go howling everywhere.

#4 Walk the other way off the road out to a pole and let a couple howls out. Pull up the binocs and see one sitting along the grass. Give him another one and he is on its way. It then decides that it needs to check the downwind at about 250yds, the second one never really came to us. Ended up shooting the first one. Young female.

#5 While on #2 and #3 there were several howling north about 1.5miles so thats where we headed. Figured howling was the ticket. Gave some long howls then a few females. Then chirps. Nothing so gave some deer distress, still nothing, asked my cousin if he saw anthing, got a nope. Turned the foxpro to full power and let a few locator howls out. Shut the remote off and stuff it in my pocket. Here some crunching and a yote comes chargeing to about 50yds. She stopped to watch me raise up and shoot her. See #2 trotting away give a few howls and get him to stop and level him at about 250yds. While walking up to him see #3 coming towards us, but he must of seen us before I saw him. Try a few yelps and howls but he wasn't going to come in.

#6- blanlk.

About 4am figure better try one more. Head for a spot I saw a pair a day ago. Wind wasn't the best but would work depending on where they come from. Hit a few long howls and couple invites. Pull the binocs up and see two working there way towards us. These must of been called or something as these went straight downwind at over 300yds. First one got to the downwind but could hardly see it. My cousin was on it, but then #2 decides to circle a little closer- about 300yds. Figure either shoot or let them leave, give him the green light and he figures we try the 123 shoot thing. We hunt alot together so we can time our shots well. At almost a perfect bang, bang i hear a slap. He thought we missed, but I watch the coyote slump up and slowly move away. IT stops at 400+ and i give it another one and it somehow drops over. #5- nice male.

Female then gives us the dickens for the entire retrieve and still going after we left.

Made two more sets in the area, but nothing.

Was a great night. Saw 11 and a fox, shot at 5- brought home 5. Started at about 10 and got home at 8am. Saw one more yote as it was getting light out, but it bounded right into the corn.
Teamed up with Wackem Stackem and New coyote tonight. Made 4 sets. Heard coyotes on the first two. Called one in on Joshs side on the 3rd. 4th was empty.

Josh missed and then we both started barkin fire with no luck.

I've had worse nights.
Nice stories guys! We went out last night and made a few sets, long walks so we only got 2 in last night.

1st set was dry, had one way in distance.

2nd set wind was out of ENE and it was a new spot that gave us a different position on the group we got close to the other night. After distress for a while we hear that group whoopin and barking, sounds like they are running, so I was hopeful that they were coming our way. After 30+ minutes of nothing I decided to call it a set and whistle to partner. We start walking back to truck, and were talking about how the wind had shifted to NW and that was not what we needed. As we are walking out I glance back at field constantly since it looked too good to have nothing, and sure enough I see one a ways out cutting across the field, and almost downwind. We hurry and try and get in shooting position and I try to get it to stop, but it gets behind a small hill, which was of course now pretty much downwind thanks to mother nature shifting around on us. waited for another 10 min, but never showed face again.
Called it a night! the shut out continues.......
Spent the past weekend out in North Dakota. We hunted 2 and a half days and ended up seeing 36 coyotes total. Almost all the coyotes were paired up or even in groups of 3 or 4. It was tough hunting with the really crusty snow. Seemed like we couldn't get within a half mile of anything without them busting out of cover. We had to change tactics and keep our walking in to a minimum and it paid off with a double the last morning. We ended up with 4 coyotes for the weekend.

Originally Posted By: JEVSeemed like we couldn't get within a half mile of anything without them busting out of cover.
Sounds like typical ND hunting. It's amazing how many animals you get to watch ignore the call through the scope out there. It's not for the quiters thats for sure. You guys stuck to it and scored.

Me and New Coyote went last winter. 3 and a half days. Saw 48. Killed 4 yotes and a red but hunted the entire time with no breaks. During our stay the temp reached -9 (actual temp) on Sunday afternoon. It never got warmer than that.
What a night!!! That's about the best one night result I have seen on here in 4 years. Congrats. It sounds like you had a blast, pun intended:)
Originally Posted By: HunterLeeshot at 5- brought home 5.
That is a crazy good night and good read too HunterLee! My best night of calling yeilded 3 yotes and a Red, So 4 animals. Not including the yote I rolled on the run but never recovered. Countless 1 and 2 dog nights. One 3 dog night and one 4 dog night but never reached 5 yet. Thats some crack shootn!
Originally Posted By: Phil_SchmidtOne 3 dog night and one 4 dog night but never reached 5 yet.

Sorry I couldn't resist. You think these guys were coyote hunters?


Yeah it was nice to not miss. If you guys remember right it was maybe 2 or 3 years ago we had one of those stellar nights, but only brought home 2. Should of had 4 for sure that night maybe 5. Not sure why it went so good, but might sneak out tonight after work. Saw 2 last night and a fox this morning, but none responded.
Well this is my first year getting into coyote hunting and up until this past saturday I was yet to even see a coyote. My brother, a friend, and I were planning on going all night saturday so I drove around getting spots lined up during the day. 8 O'clock rolled around and we were heading out.

1st set was same as all the rest up to this point. Nothing

2nd set we got settled in and I started doing some rabbit distress. Not long after I was done we heard a coyote barking in the woods downwind of us where we weren't expecting anything. It must have caught our scent because it was gone seconds later. Heard howling off in distance, but still never saw anything.

3rd set was where I thought was going to be our best chance. I did rabbit distress for about 10 minutes and no luck. I then told my buddy to hit the ecaller on with some howls. 2 minutes later my brother, watching over field on left side of brush line, whipped off his gloves and BOOMMMM! Our first coyote of the year. Even though I didn't see it come in, or didnt shoot it I was still extremely happy.
It was about 125 yards out. Weighed 38.54 pounds


Set 4 lasted quick because my buddy fell in a crick so we had to go home and get him new clothes.

Set 5 we saw 2 coyotes running a tree line 400 or so yards away, but my brother couldn't get a shot and I had a shotgun.

Set 6 was our final set of the day because wind picked up and clear skies meant very cold and our hands froze, but it was an exciting set. After 2-3 minutes of calling a coyote came charging and stopped downwind side at 100 yards in front of my buddy, I actually got to see this coyote alive. He was using a 22 with open sights. He took his time but I don't think he had enough kill power, or he missed because it ran off perfectly ok. All in all it was a great night. Saw 4 coyotes killed 1.
Well time to play catch up

First up date on my Dad is doing much better then he was he is out of the E.R and to a rehab to build some strength to his body so when he returns home he will be a little safer at home...
For those of you that dont know my Dad has been battling cancer..
Bone/Lung cancer there is no cure for what he has how ever he has been one tuff cookie the last 14 months
We have done every thing we could and gone as far as we can with kemo/rad
Life is what it is and make the best of every day you get on this so called earth be happy for the things you have and forget all the b-s and be happy for the good things in your life cuz one day it will be our time to go.. Just my thought on things...Yup!

Well unuff with the sad stuff and lets get to some pic's from the Jan,Moon...
51 yards from me..
hahaha fox!!


Think this one was 169 yards down wind.. Got yeah Mr.Coyote!!

The night out with I my little Brother Taylor and Chris his buddy Nick what a great night of calling 5 sets and five call in's yipppy!...



I feel like a dum as- and I feel real bad I was cropping the pic of Chris and his buddy Nick the coyote that they shot and some how some way it is gone off my camera man I feel like crap sorry guys I did not mean to do that and I dont know how it would have happend.. Im sorry..

Well this was a lot to post but there you all have it...Heading back out with Phil tonight keep you all posted on how it turns out..

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