Jan,Moon calling reports...The moons at 70% let the fun start..

Lots of great stories guys, glad to see everyone having some success. Last week was a pretty crazy week to be out, it was some of the best calling action that I've had so far...

Thursday 1/28/10

1st set – Just as I sat down, I noticed a coyote heading across the field in front of me... couldn't believe it! Scoped the animal to identify the target and barked which slowed him to a trot... squeezed the trigger and cartwheeled him!! I've been wondering how long it would be before I would walk up on a coyote but didn't expect it. I don't know what that guy was thinking? Called the spot and decided it was time to go collect the critter. As I'm walking out to pick him up I see a coyote running straight away from me at about 150 yds. I drop to one knee, get on him and squeeze... Whack!... down he goes. Apparently he popped out of the brushy fencerow at the same time I decided to pack up. Unfortunately, he got back up and made it into the woods, lots of blood but couldn't find him.

2nd set – Called a nice valley – blanked

3rd set – Got set up on a ridgeline, about 6-7 minutes into the set I saw a coyote right over my buddy's shoulder coming in from behind him. For a minute I thought he was going to be in his lap, but he saw him at about 60 yds and dropped him. Kept calling and had 2 coyotes howling at us from the ridge in front of us... worked them a bit and they popped out into the field at about 300 yds. We watched the pair work their way in and finally the female stopped on the other side of the corn stubble to make a plan. The male was working his way into the stubble to the north so I figured that I better shoot before she follows. Touched off the shot and she went down... ranged it at about 210 yds after the fact.

4th set – Crossed the road and called another ridge and had a red fox come streaking in from behind us. Couldn't get on him in the corn stubble so I kept working him. He popped up in front of us and tried to cut across the field at about 90 yds. I barked him to a stop and my buddy and I both shoot... definite bang flop on that one. Turned out to be a great night of calling with 4 coyotes and 1 red fox shot.

Saturday 1/30/10

1st set - Had a red fox pop out of the woods about 150 yds away. The call was off so I decided to try some lipsqueaks to try to coax him in. Let a few squeaks go across the field and he came in on a string. Barked and shot him at about 80 yds... beautiful red fox. Called a bit more and decided to wrap it up. While my buddy and I were replaying the scene I noticed a coyote over his shoulder at about 180-200 yds staring right at us. We hit the deck and tried to get set up for the shot. When I pulled my scope up and started to line up I found out there were two of them. Just as I'm about to squeeze they bolt and head for the hills. Two quick shots with no success... I really hate missing coyotes

2nd set - Started calling a big valley and catch a coyote slipping in to our right at about 300 yds. The setup was perfect so I tried to work him in as close as possible. It was awesome watching him close the distance in the scope. At about 90 yds he decided to cut north so I barked and took the shot... huge swing and a MISS! I have no idea what happened but he didn't drop. Took a couple of shots on the run to no avail. Those are the kinds of things that keep me up at night.

3rd set - Blank, called it a night after the set

Definitely a great week of hunting. Now it's time to rest up, get the gear in order, and prepare for the next outing.





Last night was new experience. I headed out to a location that i had heard some howling last friday night. I was going to set up under the lip of a hill over looking an old grown over lake bed. but before i got there, the barking started off to the west at less than 200 yd. I didnt think things were going to turn out well with the barking so close, but i tried any way. I hit the call with a howl and a whole pack right where i was going to set up, lit up like a christmas tree. This lasted over a half hour back and forth. I tried to sneek to the lip to get a shot but it was so quiet and they buzzed out of there. Its hunting at its finest.
Great stories and pics! Glad to hear your Dad is doing better Chris.

I made it out early this morning for three sets with my buddy Geoff. He's missed a couple this year, so it is awesome to report he scored on one tonight.

First set was dry.

Second set I was walking in front of Geoff out to the spot I wanted to call. I look back and see him sitting down and figured he must have stumbled in the snow or something. Once I quit moving around, I could hear he was lip squeaking! Crap, I figured I had gotten busted by now. I scanned the field, but couldn't see anything. Geoff got up and met up with me and said there was one straight in front of me about two hundred yards out. We continued out to where I planned to sit, however right before I was about to sit down I saw the coyote. It was about a hundred and fifty now, so I lip squeaked to alert Geoff. The coyote hears this and is now trotting towards us. Both of us had the gun on him and I yipped him stopped at about a hundred. Geoff's gun barks and I hear the slap! Coyote down at about 4:30 AM.


Third set was dry.
Sounds like most have had some success, this has been a good moon. Made it out a couple of nights and am just able to post now.

Night One:

Our fist set was in some corn stubble, we didn't have great cover so we were hanging in the open. We were overlooking a nice mix of swamp and trees and it felt like a promising spot. Started in on the tweety... about 10 minutes in I thought I could see something skirting the edge of the swamp but couldn't confirm. Hunter00 was sitting to my east and comfirmed the the movement for me. Two shots later he had a critter down (175 steps).


Second set we had howling to the south of us but no takers.

Third set we calling to a ravine. Toward the end of the set Ron hits a group call and a pack lights up in a small section of woods across the road close to where we parked the truck. We adjust and continue with some other sounds. Nothing worked until he hit the "pup in distress". All of a suddden a coyote broke out the woods on a sprint toward the caller. She must have seen Ron move for the shot and turned away at about 70 yards. He snapped off two shots and I got in my own for good measure. No connection. It was strange because they had to hear us get out of the truck and walk acoss the feild to where we set up. Also, she came out of the woods and had to see the truck parked on the road.

Last set again howling but no takers. It was a good night with action on each set.

Second night we hit some new spots that didn't provide action.
One on spot we were calling to a swamp to the south of us and had a fox come in on the back side. I saw him coming across the field to the call until a coyote started a warning bark. The yote must have come in behind Ron and winded him. The fox stopped out in the field at about 250 yards. I waited and gave him some time to decide if he was going to come closer. I should've taken the shot when I had the chance....he started on the move and I couldn't get him stopped. Took two shots but no connection.
Can't wait until the next moon!
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Good to see all the success!
I got out 2 nights for the Jan moon only 5 sets total.

Thursday first set was dry other than some howls. 2nd set called in a double for my partner. He missed at about 175 yards but it had to be a quick shot.

Friday night first 2 sets were dry.

3rd set was a new spot we had never hunted before. Had a good set-up but once i tried to start the Foxpro it wasn't working. Maybe it was too cold so went out to check it and once i got back to my stand i spotted one at about 300 yards heading the other direction (i assume i bumped it out of the cover when checking the call). Couldn't get my scope on it and it disappeared. Finally got the foxpro working a little but couldn't switch sounds or control volume well. Call was stuck on a constant female invite and within about 30 seconds the coyote i just spotted or maybe a different one came around the edge of the swamp making its way toward the call. It hung up at 100 yards. Shooting sticks were out of reach so tried a shot and missed. It took off at a full run diagonally away from me. 2nd shot was a miss. 3rd shot was at about 150 yards just as it was reaching the cover and i saw her spin and disappear. Wasn't sure if i hit her but walked out and there she was, a small female. Couldn't believe i missed the relatively easy shot and then somehow pulled off the 150 yard running shot in the dark. (i think a little luck involved!) Will try to post a picture.

2010 stats:

8 sets
3 coyotes called
1 coyote killed
0 fox called
Made it out last night for 3 sets. Was tough to see as we started about 2am and we had a few clouds. The wind wasn't even close to what I wanted for some spots I had chosen, but i tryed one that gave both me and the coyotes a fair chance. Started with a few female howls and then and few long howls on the howler. Then went to deer distress as there are a bunch not far from where we were calling. After about 12-15 min figured that the wind was blowing our scent all over. Tryed a couple group howls and a old male pipes back straight north of us which is where I was thinking/hoping they would be.

I answer with a challenge howl and told my dad to get ready. Put the binocs up and there are 3 or 4 standing about 400yds out just coming through the treeline. Give then another and they come charging. Well the wind switched moreto the east and they were northwest of us so they came straight to get our wind. They get to about 150-200yds and I need to stop them for a shot. I woof and yip, but they continue to head downwind. Finally one gets a little sniff and heads back towards they came. Get two to stop side by side and level one of them. Surprised I hit him as it was a rushed shot. Take one crack at another one on the way out, but nothing. Not sure ifthere were 3 or 4, but I had 2 in the scope at the same time and my dad was watching another one coming, but was to tough to get a crack on a moving yote in the dim light. Nice male coyote.

2 and 3 were nothing, but the wind picked up right after the first set. Wish i could of gotten out more than 3 times. But picked up 2,5, and one coyote in that order the nights we hunted.

Got home bout 4am up a 730 to get the little one to school, made a loop and found one dark coyote, hope to call it in in the am tommorow.
Wow sounds like everybody is having some luck, nice pics and stories. I was out in ND for a day and a morning for work with a my buddy Jason. We made 9 sets and called in 7. I should say we "called out". They would come to around 4-500 yds and thats it, it was frustrating. Wish we had more time to figure them out but had to get back, next time. We saw 22 the full day on tue, and 5 this morning before 10am. The area was full of coyotes the most I've seen. Not sure why they were not coming in, maybe they hunted and ran around all night and just layed in the sun during the day. Either way it was a blast to call the open praires again plus we met some new landowners for next time. Here is a pic from the friends tourney last sat. The 1st yote for Travis. He could not be any happier, sounds like he is looking for yote rifle. Another one hooked!!!!!!!
A little bit slower full moon for us than last month but successful nonetheless. The snow was very, very crunchy. Probably should have done more coyote vocalization and less distress calling but still saw plenty of coyotes. We hunted hard, usually making around 7 sets a night. My group ended up with 6 coyotes in 5 nights. Probably should have had more but had a couple of misses. Actually had one new stand were we called in 7 at one time only to not get a single one. This is what happens however when you introduce newbies into the sport. I should say that I didn't do a very good job of shooting either, and my buddies new R15 jammed (big surprise, never any problems with my Rock River, even at -5)Running coyotes at night are tough.

My brothers group got 7 coyotes and a fox. They also did a fair share of missing. Also we recorded 3 day kills on spot and stalks. Oddly they were all right in the middle of the day 11PM-2PM.

Mostly just tweety for us, but like I said wish we would have done more howling. Are most of you that are having success using more howling now that distress calls? Back to day calling unless we get a real overcast night and we can hunt close to the big city. Only 3 more weeks. Mike

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Todd...is that Eastern ND or Western ND? I have a family in Eastern ND and a bunch of ground I could hunt. It may be time to go visit the in-laws? That is a lot of yotes in one day.
great stories guys. i hav'nt tried night calling for 20 years and redfox would come in like komakazies. that was when we had few coyotes. may have to try it again. you young bucks put a spark in me to try it again.
Originally Posted By: Todd_SteinThey would come to around 4-500 yds and thats it, it was frustrating. Not sure why they were not coming in
Typical ND coyote calling.... This is'nt the easy answer you are lookin for but the only way to get those ND coyotes is to keep hunting. Unfortunately you'll have to withstand alot of frustration (Watching yotes ignore your call through the scope) to eventualy tap into the glory pot but if ya just keep at it you'll score. I know you're not one to give up easily Todd.

Just like MN calling though, There are days when it seems everything within a mile comes on the run to the call. Those days seem fewer and farther between in ND. But if a guy is hunting out there on one of those days, You better have more than a box of ammo. And thats shooting a bolt action.
I hear ya Phil, wish we had more time to work on them. Deaddogwalking- it was west central, but if you have land on the east side I would be there. We saw coyotes all across the state on 94. Plus you will never see as many yotes in MN as in anywhere out there. Good luck if you go, have snow shoes! We climbed some 10' drifts to get in some of the areas. It's knee to waist deep snow!