Anyone Hunt with a ............HONDA TRAIL 90..........

Originally Posted By: the impactzoneI use my KLR650 a good bit always wanted a trail 90


Nice KLR, but I don't know about that helmet!!! LOL

I have three KTM 690s......

Always wanted one as a kid and the cow thing is a must see pic. Better yet if I saw it in person I wouldnt know what to think.
Not quite the same topic, but I did spend some time using my bike as a hunting wagon. I had just started a new job, threw a rod in my truck, so the only vehicle I had from Sept clear through March one year was my Triumph Daytona T-595 955i (this model was mis-labeled in marketing, so it was only called the "T-595 955i" for one year, then just called the "955i" after that).


I got a buck and a couple doe that year. I'd quarter and pack them tight on the passenger seat, worked pretty well, but I wouldn't want to do it all the time. Sure made driving on icy roads in negative 20degree weather REALLY INTERESTING!!!
I only had to go 3mi from my hunting ground back then to my shop (butchered everything myself back then), so it didn't have to be very elegant, and I could easily make multiple trips.

The first time I tried it, it took a long time of trial and error before I realized how much cleaning I had to do to get her on the back, and how futile it was to try to get an entire deer on at once. I first tried setting her up like a passenger and lashing her front legs over my shoulders, but after almost dropping my bike (deer have VERY NARROW BUTTS!!!) a few times, I gave up on that. So then I tried cutting her in half, front from back, and having her legs straddle the bike. Still no good, because her head kept flopping to one side and dragging the whole mess down. So I gave up. Quartered, partially boned her out, packed and stacked, wrapped in a tarp, and lashed it down over the passenger seat. Worked out pretty slick at that point.

Then I got home, drenched in sweat, and told the story of my troubles to my uncle, who was also hanging HIS deer in my shop, asked me, "why didn't you just make 2 trips?"

If anyone would have video taped me trying to get that d@mn doe on my bike, America's Funniest Videos would have made them $10,000 richer!
Why not just make it look like a rabbit? Hello motion decoy. I heard of some guys making a volkswagon bug look like a goose and just goose hunted right out of it. Said the geese loved it
Originally Posted By: cawilson82Why not just make it look like a rabbit? Hello motion decoy. I heard of some guys making a volkswagon bug look like a goose and just goose hunted right out of it. Said the geese loved it

I've heard about guys covering their quads to look like giant geese too. You really wouldn't think they'd be that stupid, but it's called "bird-brained" for a reason!

I'm not sure coyotes would be so susceptible!
Hey chicks come standard with those KLR's...?

I'll have to read my manual to see what comes with the Honda 90's.... probably a blow up thing.