IT'S MY BIRTHDAY....How about some FREE stuff? (Results are in!)

Happy Birthday, you posted nice comments on my very first post and I haven't forgotten. Have one at the bar for me...
Put me in for 2 and 4, regardless I think 4 will happen in the next year. Jim
#2 and #4

Wife would have me neutered if I came home with another dog, free or not, prized or not I would be in trouble.

Happy Birthday, amazing offering and I do thank you for doing what you do.

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I just got home from a fun night at the bar with family and friends. I'll do the drawing sometime tomorrow and will post results. It's my wife's day off, so I'll make her help me. That's after she helps me build a couple of dog houses.

Night all.


I missed your deadline for the post with your BDay drawing, but want to wish you the happiest of birthday's anyway.

I appreciate your dog training posts, they give me memories of the two dogs that I used when I was working with the SD GF&P ADC program. Your pics showing the dogs and the coyotes are fantastic.

Happy Birthday to you...a little late! I just return from a hunt and read your notice a little too late! Anyway, I would have selected #3,4.

Have a great year.

Sorry it took so late to get the drawing done. I slept in (which felt good for a change), poured a cup of coffee, then started tackling this. Wow, is all I can say. I ended up putting everything in spreadsheet to keep track of it. Here's how the results came out:

122 PM members entered

Drawing 1: Free TT Extreme Call had a 1 in 77 chance of winning.
Drawing 2: Free Instructional DVD had a 1 in 59 chance of winning.
Drawing 3: Free Gunner Pup had a 1 in 27 chance of winning.
Drawing 4: Free 2 Day Redneck Coyote Adventure had a 1 in 75 chance of winning.

So...Who one???

You're going to have to go back to the top of the post and see, as I posted the winner's names in the original announcement post.
Congrats to all the winners! PM me or call me to work out the details.

Thank yall so much for entering. I had a great birthday (43 yrs old, for those that asked). We're getting ready to roll into our 4th season here at Predator University, I'm excited, and it's looking to be a boomer one. It's dry here, but that also means no grasshoppers. Coyotes should be good and hungry and responsive to the distress calls, come fall. I'm working on a new hunting rig for this fall, as well. It'll really help out having two rigs on hand. You only live once. If yall ever need a break from reality and forget about work, home, family, etc..., sell that gun in the cabinet that never seems to get used, grab your calling rifle and come on down and see me this fall/winter. We'll get your battery recharged, rush some adrenaline, spill some blood, pass out the high-fives, and laugh our butt off for a few days.

Thanks yall!

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks, Tony, for the most generous gift on your birthday.
