IT'S MY BIRTHDAY....How about some FREE stuff? (Results are in!)

Happy b-day Tony!

Ill go with no's 1 and 2.

I know no.4 would be a heck of alot of fun. But Ill be running bear baits then.

Thanks a bunch!
Another 'happy birthday" Tony. Enjoy yourself!!

Put me in for 1 & 4.

REALLY would have wanted to try for your pup because you do grow some real good ones,,,, however,,,, our life style doesn't work to well with a dog,,, that WAS, if we won!!
Happy Birthday and I hope you enjoy it.

Since I already have your video and my wife would kill me if I
got another dog, Put me down for #1 & #4.
Happy birthday Tony.

I have #2, would love #3 but I am not in a spot now for the pup so I will have to go for #1 and #4.

You my friend have your work cut out for you with all of these responses.
Happy Birthday Tony, and thank you.

Put me down for 3 and 4..hehe, either way I would have an excuse to get outa Dodge for a spell.