We Killed Two Hundred... And A New Challenge!


New member
Well guys, lifes been way to busy for Marty and I. Between work, school, and coyote hunting, it doesnt leave time for much more.. Man I wish we could do this stuff for a living.. We set out for a goal of two hundred coyotes, and this past weekend we topped it.

We have had some amazing calling this season, and some even better memories. I apologize for not being around much lately, lifes just really busy right now! But allas the coyotes always have a huge part in it.

Im working on filming, as I just feel the stuff on the market right now is not up to par at all.. Guys just dont get to see the kind of action we experience, and I dont see much of it on the market. Its kind of my competitive(sp) streak in me. (which is a huge streak!) I just know how much better I can do! and its my next huge challenge. But im pumped!..

Next season maybe we can down three hundred! who knows.. There is still some good calling ahead of us before the pelts go down hill fast.

Here are a few photos from the last few hunts.!



Most people see a barren landscape, with a few bushes! I see COYOTES!.. Also this is the best camo I can find for my country. Naked North.!


We are tired of blown in prarie trails, that cant be accessed ALL winter! We took care of that problem, with a tracked wheeler. it is a nice unit. Only problem is it leaves little room for all the fur in the box!

And lastly, our last weekend of callin...



We did it!.. Figured id share..

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Thats a good deal there brutha. Looks like alot of fun. I have that competable streak myself. Good pics, thanks for sharing!
Very impressive Mitch. I was starting to wonder if you were frozen solid in a snow drift somewhere. Good to see you back on here. You certainly have been a busy boy!
Ben, were not done yet! Still some prime dogs running the ridges

Troy, I actually was out by myself, and literally fell into a snow drift. and couldnt get out.! It was up to my neck. I actually panicked for a small second. I was swimming in it!
That's awesome Mitch. There is no doubt about it...you have some dang fine land!

If you are serious about filming your hunts, you better fully expect your kill numbers to go down by 50%. That's just the way it happens when you setup for the camera and lay off the gun. Get used to it.

Way to go for you and Marty!

Keep us posted.
