We Killed Two Hundred... And A New Challenge!

Getem, if I am not mistaken you lived in Iowa at one time didnt you? Did you have the same success in Iowa, if not, then why not. Reason I ask is because I just cannot wrap my brain around those numbers you are putting out. I have hunted like a mad man this winter on lots of new ground and could only scrounge up 16 on the ground, and you kill that many in one day? Incredible!
Hey mitch devildogg here hows it going 200 wow thats awsome. You and marty are wackin and stakin. It really burns me to have guys stabbn you and marty like this. To everyone else i know marty and mitch and can hanestly say these guys are the real deal they are some of the best there is!!! This winter i had the opportunity to sit down and visit with mitch, cocky and arogant is the last thing that came to mind he is a very bright intelligent young man full of life chomping at the bit to get out and enjoy life. Marty is a stand up guy him self i have to commend him for taking time to be a teacher and a mentor that is awsome but he still had to see something in mitch that was special, you can lead a horse to water but cant make him drink. Keep up the great work mitch i love reading your posts i hope like [beeep] you guys get your dvd together soon i will be the first to buy it. If you guys need any help or anyhting for that matter you know how to reach me.
Originally Posted By: RubenatorGetem, if I am not mistaken you lived in Iowa at one time didnt you? Did you have the same success in Iowa, if not, then why not. Reason I ask is because I just cannot wrap my brain around those numbers you are putting out. I have hunted like a mad man this winter on lots of new ground and could only scrounge up 16 on the ground, and you kill that many in one day? Incredible!

It doesn't take much to kill 200 coyotes in a year.

Great shooting, great calling, hunting partners who truly work as a team,years of experience, dedication and oh yeah an area with lots of coyotes.

I know guys here in Alberta who kill over a hundred a year and couldn't call a coyote on a cell phone.

If a person was motivated he could kill over the 200 mark here in a season. We have lots of coyotes, lots of access and not a lot of pressure.

100 days of 2 a day is 200.
I saw a bumper sticker that read "Eat Alberta Lamb, 50,000 coyotes can't be wrong."

It's nearly impossible to walk 100 yds from your truck in a rural area and not cut a coyote track.

I have 7 dogs who are loose at various times of the day. I also have no hesitation to shoot a coyote and we still have them in the yard from time to time. Yesterday my wife saw a pair within 300yds of my yard. She has seen them in the apple tree with a couple of labs raising Cain underneath. I wasn't home and she won't kill anything.
Originally Posted By: Redfrog [/quote

It doesn't take much to kill 200 coyotes in a year.

100 days of 2 a day is 200.

100 days a year spent in the field for most guys is ALOT in my opinion!

I wish I could spend that many days afield . .
awsome job mitch. That's a hard day to top. The dogs have been responding like crazy out hear the last few days. went out Saturday afternoon and got five. Went out today by myself and got nine. Should of had another guy today, could have picked up a few more with two. how are your furs holding up? I am starting to see a few rubbed ones.
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BS everyone doubting Mitch ...Have you looked at the stories ? pictures and even some of the videos he has posted ?? it's all proof ... I just met mitch this year and he is an awesome yote CALLER NOT CHASER/TRAPPER ..... and a great guy ! Really changes the way I look at some of the predator callers out there ... clearly they are jealous because Mitch has killed 5x as many as they have ... Mitch was nice enough to share his "secret sound" with me, and I can gladly say that it has increased my numbers ... probably close to doubled them ... It's awesome

I am also very very happy to say that I have not told a single person this "secret sound" ... Dont worry mitch .. your secret is safe with me
haha ! Cant wait for our upcoming hunt ! All the doubters ... I hope this doesnt continue ..... Mitch is truly one of the greatest callers in the country and he will prove it with his DVD's coming out ! I would encourage you to purchase one when they are out ... it will be a great investment !!
Good job Mitch,dont sweat the little s@#& that some people have to say,after all its just internet banter,lifes to short to take it to heart or seriously at all.
Just keep killin coyotes and having a blast doing it,thats what really counts.
Keep all the stories and pics coming,me and a bunch of others here have always enjoyed them and always will.
Just for fun throw me a bone one day and kill one with a shotgun,i would really enjoy a little change up like that.
Take care brother and good luck with the remainder of the season.