We Killed Two Hundred... And A New Challenge!

My brother died in a car accident in '08; I feel for you and Marty. Nice pic! If the conditions are right tomorrow; keep addin' to the pile
! You got my PM; you know how I feel about the whole thing.

Getem, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Loyalty is big with me and you are obviously a loyal friend. You're doing a good job. Keep up the good work.
Originally Posted By: getemcloseThanks brother. That means allot.. Alarm goes off at five A.M! got some unsuspecting coyotes lined up that I eye balled today!

How did you do today?
Well post them up when you get them.
It had been a blizzard here all day and won’t be stopping till the morning. So needless to say I have been stuck in the house all day wishing I was out hunting.
I think if I get the chance I am going to try it tomorrow afternoon. Don't know how it will be that soon after the new 1' of snow we got but I guess we will see.
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Yeah we went out yesterday and called in seven but between misses from my partner and three of them getting our wind we didn't put any down. My partner hasn't connected this year yet so I was trying to let him get one down. He got discouraged and wanted to pack it up at noon. Should have stayed out callling, it was going great.
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Fourteen and a fox... wow. That is a good year for some!

What are you guys using at this point in the season to get that many. Are you switching to more coyote vocalizations, or are you still using the distress calls?

I usually don't post on this site, but do read it a lot. I enjoy your posts and generally you haven't given away your location. I spent the first 30 years of my life in ND and the country you show with your yotes remind me of home. I hope you keep posting, cause I like your stories and pics.
I currently live in ID and have taken up yote calling the last three years. A lot of information on this site, including your posts, have helped me to be a better hunter.

I am curious about this time of year what seems to be the best calling method? I'm going out tomorrow and am going to try some things I haven't tried before.

As for folks saying you are cocky? Well, I understand where you are coming from Mitch. For me, growing up in the Central Flyway of ND it was ducks and geese and all of my good hunting dogs. I just knew I could hunt ducks, geese, and later pheasants, better than anyone else, because I worked harder at it than anyone. I understand your passion Mitch. I wore out an 870 Remington shooting ducks and geese, something most think can't be done! ha.

I am now 47 and have mellowed a bit in my pursuit of game, and therefore I also understand the folks that are saying "the arrogance of youth" becuase most of us change as we age.

Anyway, this is my longest post EVER and I surely hope you continue to post so I can lurke, steal a few ideas from you, and enjoy pictures that remind me of home. Continued success to you young man.

Lyle Bayley
Nampa, Idaho.